Example sentences of "[num] to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He deserves most of the credit for the Welsh Intermediate Education Act of 1889 ; and from 1895 to the end of his life he was president of the University College at Aberystwyth , to which he regularly contributed £1,000 a year .
2 At first Addington had linked the coming of peace in 1802 to the repeal of the hated tax which " should not be left to rest on the shoulders of the public in times of peace , because it should be reserved for the more important occasions , which he trusted , would not soon recur " .
3 With only a few islands of relief the Government did very badly in by-elections front the autumn of 1933 to the spring of 1935 .
4 CLARET JUG : It is no accident that golf 's most famous trophy , presented every year since 1872 to the winner of the Open , is a claret jug .
5 The mill was built in 1872 to the design of an architect , George Woodhouse , who specialized in textile mills and came , not surprisingly perhaps , from Bolton , Lancashire .
6 Had a case of a claim by a child for damages for pre-natal injury come before the English courts in the period from 1972 to the enactment of the Act of 1976 , and had it been as well argued as the present cases have been in this court , I have no doubt that the English court would have been referred to Watt v. Rama [ 1972 ] V.R. 353 and Duval v. Seguin , 26 D.L.R. ( 3d ) 418 and would have preferred the views there expressed to Walker v. Great Northern Railway .
7 The object of these letters was to bring Vial 's plan of 18 March 1790 to the notice of the influential readers of The Gentleman 's Magazine .
8 The Committee advocated that the density of dwellings in working-class development should not exceed 12 to the acre in urban areas ( 8 in rural areas ) .
9 Moreover , it should be borne in mind that the process by which this hegemony was established took nearly forty years , from the foundation of the Zollverein in 1834 to the Empire in 1871 .
10 Bevan resuscitated the suggestion in his report of July 1808 to the committee of the Grand Union , and two months later notice was given that an Act of Parliament would be sought for powers to build a canal southwards from Foxton .
11 Such congenial rustication was unexpectedly disturbed by his appointment as a principal envoy of Henry V to the council of Constance on 20 October 1414 .
12 Standing in the centre of St Andrew Square gardens is the Greek column erected in 1821 to the memory of the first Viscount Melville , who was Treasurer to the Navy under Pitt .
13 The central hypothesis of the research is that there was a shift in respectable middle class public opinion from the orthodoxy of emancipation in the 1830s to the legitimation of new forms of racism by the 1860s .
14 The lighthouse on this headland south-east of Aberdeen was built in the 1830s to the design of Robert Stevenson .
15 Indeed , paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act of 1986 , which I have already quoted , requires that Lautro 's Rules relating to the admission and expulsion of members and the discipline it exercises over its members must be fair and reasonable and include adequate provision for appeals .
16 ( 2 ) Where the Council has within three months beginning with the date when an application for recognition was received by the Council neither granted nor refused recognition , an appeal to the Master of the Rolls may be brought under paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act as if the application had been refused by the Council .
17 The references to ‘ kilo ’ and ‘ mega ’ in the context of computer technology are misleading simplifications ; kilo is 2 to the power of 10 , not 1000 , and mega is 2 to the power of 20 , not a million .
18 The references to ‘ kilo ’ and ‘ mega ’ in the context of computer technology are misleading simplifications ; kilo is 2 to the power of 10 , not 1000 , and mega is 2 to the power of 20 , not a million .
19 Having three conditions , there will be 2 to the power of 3 ( 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 ) columns .
20 being or proposing to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or … shares in … ( hereinafter called ‘ the Company ’ ) , HEREBY COVENANT with the COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY ( hereinafter called ‘ the Council ’ ) that , if recognition is granted to the Company by the Council under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , [ delete words in italics if the Company is already recognised ] I will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of shares in the Company reimburse the Law Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985 where :
21 being or proposing to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or … shares in … ( hereinafter called ‘ the Company ’ ) , HEREBY COVENANT with the COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY ( hereinafter called ‘ the Council ’ ) that , if recognition is granted to the Company by the Council under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , [ delete words in italics if the Company is already recognised ] it will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of shares in the Company reimburse the Law Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985 where :
22 I have referred in chapter 2 to the need for a language policy across the curriculum ; a recommendation to this effect appeared in both the Bullock and the Swann Reports .
23 The Panel should be consulted in cases of doubt ( Note 2 to the definition of " acting in concert " ) .
24 This is a water soluble salt of cocaine and it is a class A drug by virtue of paragraph 4 of Schedule 2 to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 .
25 Held , dismissing the appeal , free base cocaine was included in paragraph 5 of Part I , Schedule 2 to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 because that paragraph covered any preparation or other product containing a substance or product … specified in any of paragraphs 1 to 4 ( which included cocaine ) .
26 Edward and Alfred appear together in only two of Robert 's grants , one dated 1033 to the abbey of St Wandrille , and another , to the abbey of Fécamp , probably from that year .
27 The Skerton Bridge carrying the A6 over the River Lune was built in 1788 to the design of Thomas Harrison of Chester , at a cost of £1 4,000 .
28 The final stage is to link the movement of prices in 1985 to the movement of prices in previous years back to the base date which in 1985 was 15 January 1974 .
29 French drawings will include a red chalk male nude in profile by Bouchardon and a preparatory study by Simon Julien for the painting given in 1762 to the church of St Hippolytus in the Faubourg St Michel , Paris .
30 The London School of Medicine for Women opened its doors in 1874 to the accompaniment of much ridicule of ‘ lady doctors ’ ; despite the efforts of Florence Nightingale , the profession continued to be male-dominated .
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