Example sentences of "[num] and [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Multiple-step paraffin sections ( 4–5 m ) were immunostained with two ET-1 antisera — one for the c-terminal pepetide of ET-1 and one for the c-terminal peptide of big ET-1 ( big ET-122–38 ) — µby the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method .
2 There were 87 flotations on the USM in 1988 , 67 in 1989 , 47 in 1990 , ten in 1991 , six in 1992 and none in the first quarter of this year .
3 It was 1977 and everyone under the age of 21 was allegedly pogoing like crazy to The Sex Pistols and The Clash .
4 Personally I and everyone in the Liberal Democrats , abhor everything they stand for . ’
5 Two times five and what about the thirty six can you think of two numbers that would make thirty six when you multiply them together ?
6 Yeah , it 's limitless in n it , but the other way is to do right down the centre , one on one and one on the other
7 Yeah , but er , it says two hundred and something for the
8 Investors would be compensated in the event of the failure of an authorised investment firm of 100 per cent on the first £30 000 invested , 90 per cent the next £20 000 and nothing on the excess , providing a maximum cover of £48 000 on £50 000 or more invested .
9 They included a group of guerrillas , ultimately numbering 46 , who had occupied the Metropolitan Cathedral in San Salvador since Aug. 20 and who at the beginning of October had sought political asylum in the Mexican embassy .
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