Example sentences of "[num] and [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was chairman of the Venice Biennale from 1974 to 1979 and served on the board of La Scala of Milan .
2 In this case the value is 9.8 and calculated on the previous year 's EPS .
3 In November it was agreed that a Constituent Assembly should be created to draw up a schedule of meetings to be held on each of the four Windward Islands in 1991 and to decide on the form of the proposed referendum to be held in each state .
4 The dominion status declaration was made in October 1929 and met on the Congress side by what amounted to a demand that it take immediate effect .
5 Negotiations were expected to resume in Arusha on Sept. 7 and to focus on the formation of a new national army which would include FPR fighters and arrangements for the return of refugees .
6 Although this was published by CAST in 1986 and focuses on the pre-revised Law modules , much of the material could be adapted to suit the revised provision .
7 A long-serving member of the British Pottery Managers ' Association , Roy was President in 1984 and served on the executive committee for eight years .
8 On April 1 the Arab League deplored the passing of Resolution 748 and called on the international community to find a compromise solution which would avoid " dangerous consequences " .
9 ‘ So we can pay the two-fifty and get on the road . ’
10 Well I 'd one come from Malta to England again , in nineteen sixteen and went on an old boat , they called it the Gurkha .
11 On July 3 Ibrahim Böhme , who briefly led the East German Social Democrats ( SPD ) in early 1990 [ see pp. 37260 ; 37302 ] , was excluded from the party in the face of " overwhelming evidence " that he had joined the Stasi in the 1970s and informed on the re-formed SPD from 1989 .
12 On June 25 President de Klerk had taken the unprecedented step of effectively declaring an official day of mourning , when he announced that the government would allow its employees to attend the funeral and " related mourning services " on June 29 and called on the private sector to do likewise .
13 These were made in 1977 and placed on the site of the original stocks to commemorate the Queen 's Silver Jubilee .
14 Bolton was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1914 and served on the council of the London Topographical Society ( 1918–27 ) .
15 The Assembly resolved , for the first time , to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem by the year 2000 and called on the 93 countries where leprosy was endemic " to further increase or maintain their political commitment " to leprosy control .
16 ‘ I was living in Gambler Terrace , Liverpool 8 and signing on the dole .
17 I 'd 've been quicker if I 'd gone down into Brentwood , picked up the M twenty five and gone on the A one M
18 But if you look at the sixty five and add on the twelve , it 's er seventy seven and of course if you go on to the actuarial figures actually get better as you get older in terms of actual lifespan .
19 The Ministers of Defence of the NATO countries and of the former member States of the Warsaw Pact , including most of the republics of the former Soviet Union , met in Brussels on April 1 and agreed on a wide-ranging programme of co-operation on military and security matters .
20 The Crick Committee , which had been appointed in 1961 and reported on A Higher Award in Business Studies in 1964 , had originally been looking for an equivalent of the DipTech , but had waited for the Robbins Report before issuing its recommendations .
21 April nineteen ninety one and ended on the thirty first of November .
22 Gavin Dalzell of Lesmahagow copied his machine in 1846 and passed on the details to so many people that for more than fifty years he was generally regarded as the inventor of the bicycle .
23 He succeeded his father as a JP for Cheshire in 1619 and served on the bench until his removal , as part of a purge by George Villiers , first Duke of Buckingham [ q.v. ] , on 26 October 1626 .
24 The decision to revolt is discussed in chapter 15 and turns on the evaluation of costs ( punishment for failure , injury risk , loss of property , etc. ) versus the gains of raised income or wealth .
25 Almost midway between the two and marked on the map as " Chapel ( remains of ) " is the ruined church of a settlement of Knights Templars , a military organisation formed to protect pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land .
26 DALE EVANS was born in 1956 and reared on a small Welsh farm in Cwmbran , Tredegar , South Wales , where her father breeds black Aberdeen cattle .
27 He joined the Durham force in 1956 and started on the beat in Darlington before being promoted through the ranks to reach his present status in 1989 .
28 Robert Key , a teacher by profession , entered Parliament in 1983 and sat on the Select Committee on Education , Science and the Arts .
29 John Arthur Johnson was born in 1878 and worked on a milk wagon , in livery stables , in bakers ' shops , at Galveston docks and in various other occupations while establishing himself as a boxer of some distinction .
30 Four days later , on 19 May , he held his first press conference since June 1955 and elaborated on the two main points of his earlier statement : first , he stressed his personal legitimacy based on his exploits between 1940 and 1946 ; second , he declared his readiness to be " useful again to France " .
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