Example sentences of "[num] of [art] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The diversity of munition products is exemplified by , on the one hand , the gun and aperture sights for the American Lewis guns , high precision work ( they had to be correct to less than a thousandth part of an inch ) of which 27 , 900 were produced , and on the other hand the unpacking and assembly of the American-manufactured Mercer and Hyster Mobile Cranes , 169 of the former and 207 of the latter being dealt with in addition to 37 Elwell Parker Lift Trucks .
2 erm Well not really because erm I believe erm that one was erm one of a few that survived at the erm time of the change of the erm Prime Minister .
3 The Chairman , for example , was one of no fewer than five Irish Americans to have held the top job in UM .
4 That victory was a first in a Grand Slam tournament for Panatta , one of no fewer than 14 players since ‘ 77 to have made winning Grand Slam debuts in Paris .
5 He told Sharpe his patrol was one of the many that daily scouted south to the French border and beyond ; this particular troop had been ordered to explore the villages south and east of Mons down as far as the Sambre , but not to encroach on Prussian territory .
6 F/L Selwyn Alcock was a pilot with 83 ( PFF ) Squadron , he was never famous , never a national hero , just one of the many that came from obscurity and passed into oblivion .
7 The place is no longer there now , but it was n't one of the several that fell down after being abandoned .
8 ( The allusion to Pope 's ‘ Essay on Man ’ is one of the few that the editors pass over . )
9 South Korea 's reafforestation and erosion control programme is one of the few that has enjoyed considerable success .
10 The museum is also one of the few that is equipped with a full-sized turntable , a left over from the original steam shed on the same site , which is complete and in full working order .
11 Some are so strongly aromatic as to be spicy , and tarragon in particular is one of the few that has such a strong taste it does need adding in minuscule amounts to meat or fish dishes .
12 One of the few but important things Preston and William had in common as children was the dominant role of women in their lives .
13 Er in the U K we 've held our market position and it 's been a a pretty desperate market we were one of the few if not the only book seller who refused to er to yield better discount terms er , on the threat of er every , every book seller was every er publisher was threatened with erm not being stocked unless we gave bigger discounts .
14 For another , his is one of the largest sheep farms in the area and one of the few where the ewes are lambed outdoors .
15 I am confident that these different-looking species of Synodontis will get on together , whereas two of the same or similar species may not .
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