Example sentences of "[num] the [adj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From 1900 until 1943 the official royal motor cars were made by Daimler , a tradition instituted by Edward VII .
2 27.4. 92 The Annual General Meeting of the Juniper Green Village Association was held in the Village Hall on Monday 27th April at 7.30p.m .
3 Over the winter of 1977–8 the Vietnamese Foreign Minister , Trinh , visited the region again and raised the idea of a new and broader organisation to that of ASEAN , which would embrace all the countries of Southeast Asia based on the principles of ‘ peace , independence and neutrality ’ .
4 During talks in Moscow in February 1986 the Iranian Foreign Minister proposed a second conference on Afghanistan , independent of the Geneva conference , which would be attended by Iran , Pakistan , the Soviet Union and the Afghan mujahidin .
5 In 1986 the new Public Order Act came into force .
6 In 1986 the then current team started work towards a system which would do automatic or semi-automatic query expansion by using terms extracted from records which the user had seen and judged relevant .
7 Though stations were built on the main line west of Paddington after its opening in 1838 the initial suburban service was poor and the passenger receipts small .
8 In February 1980 the Afghan Foreign Minister argued that ‘ the presence of foreign troops in a country , especially when it is requested by that country , is basically not against the principles of non-alignment ’ .
10 By 1872 the free coloured population in Brazil was almost three times as large as the slave population , and even among pure Negroes the two groups were almost equal in number .
11 Tel : Action Computer Supplies 0800 333 333 Orion Media Marketing PLC. 081 847 4141 The Little Red Book Company 0800 521 375
12 In 1972 the then Conservative government proposed to reform and unite the entire tax and social security system into a scheme of combined benefits and tax reliefs to be known as ‘ tax credits ’ .
13 On Dec. 11-14 the Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir visited the United States , at a critical juncture in Israeli-US relations [ see p. 37052 for Shamir 's last visit to Washington in November 1989 ] .
14 Speaking on Feb. 12 the Spanish Foreign Minister Francisco Fernández Ordóñez warned that whilst his country would not withhold aid of a humanitarian nature , the extension of aid in other areas would be dependent on further democratization .
15 On Dec. 12 the Punjab provincial government denied reports that it had recommended that remarks about Pakistan published in a book by a UK journalist should be punished by death .
16 On Feb. 12 the Tadjik Communist Party ( CP ) headquarters was besieged by rioters who succeeded in setting part of the building on fire ; the Tadjik Supreme Soviet Presidium declared a state of emergency and a night-time curfew in Dushanbe ; and , fearing a pogrom , Armenians were reported to be fleeing the city .
17 On March 12 the official daily newspaper Tishrin praised US Middle East policies in a front-page editorial .
18 On Feb. 12 the Italian Supreme Court overturned the decision of the Bologna appeal court , which in July 1990 [ see p. 37624 ] had quashed the convictions of 13 individuals in connection with the bomb attack in August 1980 on Bologna railway station , in which 85 people were killed [ see p. 30522 ] .
19 On Nov. 12 the French Foreign Minister , Roland Dumas told a meeting of EC Foreign Ministers in Brussels that references to GATT had " no place in a declaration which focuses essentially on the future " .
20 On Feb. 12 the German Foreign Minister , Hans-Dietrich Genscher , was quoted in the Independent as saying that Egypt , Syria and Jordan " can rely on the fact of further help from Bonn " .
21 10–3 The second annual meeting of the Keills Music Class , taught by William Roundsfell of Persabus , was held in the female schoolhouse , and took the form of a soiree and concert .
22 8.2 The late heavy bombardment
23 In ( 5.29 ) rs , is the current one-year spot yield , rs 2 the current two-year spot yield , and so on .
24 For if the generally expected price level is P 2 the relevant aggregate supply curve will be the one labelled SS 1 which cuts the expected aggregate demand curve AD 1 to give a price level equal to the one that is expected , P 2 .
25 In Chapter 2 the present social security system was described and it was noted that the bulk of the work of social security is concerned with pensions and benefits for old people .
26 The most frequently perceived losses or problems are : 1 GP fundholding ; 2 The greater administrative complexity and costs associated with contracting ; 3 The effects of rapid timescales ( stress , information uncertainty ) ; 4 Some commercialisation of values ; 5 Uncertainties surrounding future restructuring and the intense politicisation of the NHS .
27 Here , a simple example is unc which yields unc In Examples 1 and 2 the main numerical problem is the solution of BX = r , By = p — Cz , where B is square .
28 On July 2 the Christian Democrat-Free Democrat ( CDU-FDP ) coalition government in Saxony-Anhalt resigned , and on July 4 the outgoing Minister President , Gerd Gies ( CDU ) , was replaced by his former Finance Minister Werner Münch .
29 The deadline was June 11th 1803 , and on July 7th 1801 the first general meeting of subscribers was held in the Session House in Bedford .
30 Further arrests were reported in the ensuing days , and on Dec. 30 the Cairo-based Middle East News Agency reported the first of a series of " intensive " police campaigns against " hotbeds of terrorism and extremism " in other areas of Cairo .
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