Example sentences of "[num] member [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Legislative power is held by a 72-member unicameral National Congress , similarly elected for a four-year term ( with 60 members elected on a provincial basis every two years and 12 members elected for a four-year term on a national basis ) .
2 Under its 1949 Basic Law ( Constitution ) , the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany ) is a " democratic and social federal state " whose organs are ( i ) the Federal Diet ( Bundestag ) , the lower house of parliament , comprising 497 members elected for a four-year term by a mixed system of proportional representation and direct voting , and 22 members elected by the West Berlin House of Representatives ; ( ii ) the Federal Council ( Bundesrat ) , the upper house of parliament , comprising 41 members of the governments of the Republic 's 10 Länder ( states ) and four representatives appointed by the West Berlin Senate ; ( iii ) the Federal President ( Bundespräsident — currently Richard von Weizsäcker ) elected for a five-year term by the Federal Assembly ( Bundesversammlung ) comprising the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of delegates nominated by the Länder parliaments ; and ( iv ) the federal government ( Bundesregierung ) consisting of the Federal Chancellor ( Bundeskanzler — currently Helmut Kohl ) elected by the Bundestag on the proposal of the Federal President and his or her ministers .
3 Scargill hoped for a ‘ domino effect ’ , to be promoted if necessary by the type of mass picketing which had been perfected a decade earlier , and the National Executive supported him ; only three members voted for a proposal that the demand for a national strike be put to a national ballot .
4 The Federal Parliament comprises a Senate of 104 members appointed by the Governor-General , and a House of Commons of 295 members elected for a maximum of five years by universal adult suffrage under a simple majority system in single-member constituencies .
5 The Federal Parliament comprises a Senate of 104 members and a House of Commons of 295 members elected for a maximum of five years by universal adult suffrage under a simple majority system in single-member constituencies .
6 Debate in the early days of the new Assembly was reported as more lively than previously , and opposition members were said to be testing the government 's receptiveness to reform : 32 members called for the formation of a committee to investigate Kuwait 's failure to anticipate or respond to the Iraqi invasion of August 1990 [ see pp. 37631-41 ] ; several members were said to have demanded an investigation of alleged mishandling of Kuwait 's overseas investments ; and a draft law was introduced that would widen the franchise , including extending the vote to women .
7 Legislative authority is vested in a bicameral National Congress , comprising the Chamber of Deputies ( consisting of 180 members elected for a five-year term ) and the Senate ( consisting of 60 members elected for a five-year term along with the former Presidents of constitutional governments who have the status of life senators ) .
8 The meeting fell short of the five members required for a quorum , with Bosnia-Hercegovina , Croatia , Macedonia and Slovenia not attending .
9 Legislative authority is vested in a bicameral National Congress , comprising the Chamber of Deputies ( consisting of 180 members elected for a five-year term ) and the Senate ( consisting of 60 members elected for a five-year term along with the former Presidents of constitutional governments who have the status of life senators ) .
10 In the March 1990 general election the NDC won seven of the 15 seats in the House of Representatives and formed a government with the support of the two members elected for the TNP [ see p. 37314 ] .
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