Example sentences of "[num] which [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Vietnam and the United Kingdom signed an agreement in Hanoi , the Vietnamese capital , on May 12 which provided for the forcible repatriation of all Vietnamese " economic refugees " from Hong Kong .
2 A supervision order will cease to have effect if certain steps are taken or orders made under s25(1) ( a ) or ( b ) of the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 which provide for the recognition and enforcement of foreign custody orders .
3 It is 2 which amounts to the ratio decidendi of the case .
4 The Volkskammer passed a law on July 22 which provided for the re-establishment of the five Länder abolished by the East German government after the war : Brandenburg , Mecklenburg-West Pomerania , Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt , and Thuringia .
5 Er it is about the future provision of section eleven which appears in the main report , you will no doubt appear as part of the budget debate .
6 Section 64 of the Act of 1986 is the first section of Chapter VI which deals with the powers of intervention exercisable directly by the S.I.B .
7 Charles I and his Parliament quarrelled , and this led to the Civil War of the 1640s which ended with the defeat and execution of the King and , in 1649 , the establishment of a republic .
8 Like the hon. Gentleman , I well recall the Second Reading debate of the Shops Bill 1986 which followed upon the discussions and deliberations of the Auld committee which , since as long ago as 1985 , had been engaged in a series of debates about Sunday trading .
9 Even more spectacular was the Liverpool affair of August 1775 which occurred against the background of the American War of Independence , the beginning of which had interrupted trade to such an extent that some 3,000 seamen were swelling the ranks of the normal Liverpool unemployed .
10 Romantic poets such as Novalis and Arndt gave expression to this idea and made it famous , but it dates at least from Leibniz 's great political tract , Caesarinus Furstenerius ( De Supremum Principum Germaniae ) written in 1677 which called for the unification of Christendom and , thus , of Germany .
11 It was his publication in 1763 of what the courts decided to be a seditious libel on George III which led to the judicial decision that general warrants were illegal ( see p. 136 ) .
12 Crawford Beveridge , SE 's chief executive , said the foundations for business had been laid by trade missions organised since the attempted coup in 1991 which led to the break up of the former Soviet Union .
13 Mr Sillars accused the leadership of unravelling ten years of work by party activists — a reference to the SNP decision to vote with the Tories to bring down the Labour government in 1979 which led to the taunt ‘ Tartan Tories ’ .
14 The names and dates tell their own story : the Treason Act of 1842 , passed after an impotent attempt to frighten the sovereign by a young hunchback with a faultily loaded pistol ; the Vagrancy Act of 1824 which allowed the flogging of ‘ incorrigible rogues ’ , commonly elderly tramps , and which has come into more recent notoriety through the ‘ sus ’ laws ; the Diplomatic Privileges Act of 1708 which offered protection to Ambassadors and their servants ; and the Knacker 's Act of 1786 which dealt with the irregular slaughter of horses and cattle .
15 Section 47 which deals with the general prohibition on misleading statements and practices ; and
16 This alarms others who are unimpressed by being able to order their groceries down the tube and remember the TV-eye in Orwell 's 1984 which spied on the populace as well as thundering propaganda messages at them .
17 At a ceremony attended by Chris Green , managing director of InterCity , locomotive 91003 which operates on the high-speed East Coast route will be given the name of this newspaper which has been celebrating its 175th anniversary .
18 INVESTIGATORS have determined that an explosion destroyed the UTA DC-10 which crashed in the Sahara Desert on 19 September , killing all 171 people on board , but there is no evidence that a bomb was responsible .
19 It made counter-proposals on March 31 which called for the constitution to be drafted and adopted by a 400-member body elected on the basis of " one-person-one-vote " and using a system of proportional representation .
20 The terror , rather than tepidity , of the priesthood , it had undoubtedly been in many an Italian city in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries ; and even more , perhaps , in the bloody riots in Cologne in 1074 which nearly subdued the pride of the prince archbishop of the city — or the riots in Laon in 1112 which erupted in the murder of the unpopular Bishop Waldric , and gravely shocked both the chivalrous King Louis of France , and his neighbour the English king , Henry I , whose chancellor Waldric had been .
21 For the approaching wave in region II which propagates along the null line , , they have shown that v -independent perturbations are not permitted to all orders , while all the v -dependent perturbations exhibit strong divergences along the ‘ fold ’ singularity .
22 GKR laid the foundations of a world network in the 1970s which broadened in the following decade from Europe to the Far East .
23 By " beneficial " I mean those summarized in Chapter 12 on page 176 which accord with the five-fold quality of respect outlined in Chapter 1 as basic to education as to civilized living .
24 It did not foresee the massive commercialisation of the 1970s and '80s which rode on the back of the expansion of the limited-over game .
25 The Knesset approved legislation on March 18 which provided for the direct election of the Prime Minister .
26 The Sultan has ruled by decree and a state of emergency has been in force since a large-scale revolt in December 1962 which resulted in the suspension of sections of the Constitution [ see pp. 19261-62 ] .
27 A state of emergency has been in force and the Sultan has ruled by decree since a large-scale revolt in 1962 which resulted in the suspension of sections of the Constitution .
28 After the conclusion of the first hearing , it came to your Lordships ' attention that an examination of the proceedings in Parliament in 1976 which lead to the enactment of sections 61 and 63 might give a clear indication which of the two rival contentions represented the intention of Parliament in using the statutory words .
29 After the strange events of The Haunting Horror , the adventurers could find some books in room 11 which refer to the Great Enchanter , and possibly some letters implying that Ludovicus Hanike was involved with Drachenfels in some way .
30 Others followed , among them Castlereagh , Victor Hugo , Nietzsche and a French foreign ministry memo of 1930 which referred to the ‘ European Community ’ .
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