Example sentences of "[num] it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The United Kingdom imposed visa restrictions from Nov. 8 on former Yugoslavs except holders of Croatian and Slovenian passports and agreed to take only 150 refugees plus their dependants ; on Nov. 30 it increased this number to 1,000 plus dependants for temporary asylum .
2 In 1991 it offered handsome tax incentives to encourage the creation of big trading companies that would do the job more efficiently than lots of little sellers .
3 The actions of the central authorities , in the event , served to rally local opinion still more closely around the nationalist leaderships , and when the issue of full independence was put to the republican populations in the spring of 1991 it received overwhelming endorsement The Lithuanian vote , in February , produced a majority of over 90 per cent on an 84 per cent turnout ; in Latvia and Estonia , in March , there were majorities for independence of 74 and 78 per cent on a similar turnout .
4 Reporting first quarter figures for the first time — nothing like good news to encourage such a move — SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV said net profit for the first quarter of 1993 was $24.4m on sales up 28.1% at $439m ; in the year to December 31 it had net profit of $3m compared with a loss of $102.6m the year before ; first quarter orders soared by 91.2% to $726.8m .
5 By the 1780s it had twelve employees ; and complaints against its interference with the correspondence of private citizens figured in a number of the cahiers presented to the States-General in 1789 .
6 Operating from one room above Bishopsgate Fire Station from 1968 , by the time Silverman sold out in 1976 it occupied five floors in High Holborn , employed nearly 100 staff and was earning nearly £1m. annually .
7 In 1971–79 it approved financial assistance amounting to £87.5 million ( at 1979 prices ) for the Highlands and Islands as a whole , of which £52.2 million for loans and shares ( including projects directly administered by the Board ) and £35.4 million grants ( see Appendix 3 ) .
8 In 1992 it made pre-tax profits of £4.6m on sales of £80m .
9 From Feb. 4 it heard considerable evidence confirming the existence of a " third force " involving members of the security forces who had provoked township violence .
10 A further area for the media group to check is the loss of circulation due to strikes or other problems : during the continuing difficulties that beset Fleet Street in the early eighties it became standard practice for papers affected to provide a rebate for lost circulation .
11 In the sixth week of 1845 it held 260 people ; for the same week in 1846 the figure was 320 and in the last year of the Famine 893 .
12 The foreign ministry in St Petersburg was in the first decades of the century ludicrously overstaffed : under Alexander I it gave ostensible employment to well over 700 people ( including the poet Pushkin ) , many of whom had no real duties whatever .
13 When the lover 's list was first calculated in 1973 it cost just Pounds 2,818.60 .
14 In 1987 it had 16 sites and 15,000 workers ; now it has 11 sites and 11,000 workers .
15 In 1987 it embraced these proposals in an Act to apply to Scotland , to come into force in the financial year 1989 .
16 In 1986 it employed 670 people and shipped around US $500 million of systems .
17 By 1737 it included 33 ships of the line .
18 In 1982 it arrived five months early and , in addition , was one of the strongest events of this kind observed in the present century .
19 By 1864 it had 600 employees .
20 In 1950 the USA produced seven times as many manufactures as Germany and over 20 times as many as Japan ; in 1953 it exported five times as many manufactures as Germany and 17 times as many as Japan .
21 In 1983 it acquired 3,965 hectares in 549 parcels throughout the Auvergne ( half of them under 1 hectare each ) ; 2,439 hectares in 315 parcels was within the LFA Zone de Montagne .
22 So that er animal charities day is at St John 's Church , Park Farm oh John St John 's Church Hall , Park Farm , twenty pence to get in ten thirty it starts this Saturday .
23 Emerging in the late sixties it took several forms : informal consciousness-raising groups were set up ; women 's campaigns were run in support of abortion , battered women , women in employment , and of oppressed women in different parts of the world ; and women found their own voice in establishing their own magazines and publishing houses .
24 When it reported in 1955 it demanded less permissiveness , not more .
25 Initially , Barlaston had been put to a series of uses by Wedgwood ( and had been leased to the Bank of England during the Second World War ) , but in the 1950s it developed dry rot and become an embarrassment to the company .
26 In January 1990 it included 5,953 names , of whom 4,141 were men .
27 In November 1927 it took 300 men some six hours to carry the giant rosary which surrounds the statue up from Santo António , in Funchal .
28 In the recession of the early 1980s it took four years for the unemployment figures to drop .
29 Looking back from the late 1980s it seems that decentralization was not a clean break , nor was it a temporary aberration , since elements of both continue to exist side by side in the British settlement system .
30 During the 1980s it bought Marine Midland , a commercial bank based in upstate New York ; Carroll , McEntee & McGinley ( CM&M ) , a primary dealer in American Treasury bonds ; and James Capel , a London firm of stockbrokers .
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