Example sentences of "[num] and the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This seems to indicate that after a fairly steady climb and a certain standstill in the late 1880s , the numbers really took off in the late 1890s and the first decade of the twentieth century .
2 Lam exhibitions have been mounted this month at The Museo Nacional Reina Sofia in Madrid ( until 14 December and then travelling to the Fundació Miró in Barcelona , 21 January–28 March , 1993 ) , the Villa Medici in Rome , the home of the French Academy ( until 24 January 1993 and the first show of the artist 's work in Italy ) and in New York .
3 Mobbs started work on the project in January 1971 ; in May 1972 the proposal was sent to the CNAA ; it was approved after a one-day visit in November 1972 and the first intake arrived in the autumn of 1973 .
4 William lived on for a further 16 years after that , into the reign of George V and the First World War .
5 Canadian producers had faced higher interest rates than those of their US competitors and higher unit labour costs , which rose 15 per cent between 1985 and the first quarter of 1989 , compared with only 1 per cent in the USA for the same period .
6 The writings of Ada Nield Chew , a working-class feminist who , between 1894 and the First World War , wrote many newspaper articles on women 's issues and was hostile to the idea of family allowances , have recently been collected together in Ada Nield Chew : The Life and Writings of a Working Woman ( 1982 ) .
7 We had moved into the new factory in June 1979 and the first effect of our association with GEC was an input of capital to purchase badly needed equipment .
8 In E.coli or halophilic archaea Halobacterium cutirubrum , leader sequence before the 16S rRNA coding region can base-pair with sequence lying between 16S and the first spacer tRNA .
9 The quota was 8,907 and the first count gave Paisley 14,533 votes , a surplus of 5,626 .
10 The Chinese Eastern railway was completed in 1904 , and the Amur railway was developed between 1908 and the First World War .
11 IBM Personal Systems Business Unit Europe/Middle East/Africa says it had record volume of sales in the first quarter of this year , and points to Dataquest figures suggesting that it outshipped its nearest competitor by 66% during the last quarter of 1992 and the first quarter of 1993 — gaining 4% in market share over the previous six months ; the company also said it reorganised its manufacturing and distribution operations at its Greenock , Scotland , plant , cutting distribution costs for its ValuePoint and ThinkPad brands by more than 65% , cutting its inventory by 17% since the end of 1992 ; this magnitude of savings will also be realised for the PS/2 and PS/1 lines this year .
12 The latest GDP numbers implicitly assume that Britain 's total net trade deteriorated between the fourth quarter of 1992 and the first quarter of this year .
13 Overall , there was a fractional increase between the last three months of 1992 and the first quarter of this year , the second marginal quarterly rise in succession .
14 It 's based on Windows 3.0 and the first implementation supports the Informix relational database running on Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcsystems , NCR Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co HP 9000 , IBM Corp RS/6000 and Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix servers .
15 It was written during the latter part of 1913 and the first half of 1914 and for part of that time the author was travelling in Austria .
16 Is not it higher today than throughout the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s ?
17 RENFE 's deficit , for reasons discussed in other chapters , exploded during the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s .
18 Clause 3.2 and the first part of cl 3.3 of Precedent 2 cover the same principles , but , as would obviously be preferred by the buyer , in cl 3.3 the procedures are more flexible , and the buyer 's rights are somewhat greater .
19 Base rate was on Sept. 22 further reduced to 9 per cent ( its lowest level since mid-1988 and the first time since 1981 that it stood below the German Lombard rate ) .
20 The collapse of the IMF system in March 1973 and the first oil price shock of 1973 – 74 resulted in the EC member countries abandoning the implementation of the Werner Plan .
21 The distribution of wealth and poverty were examined more systematically between 1900 and the first world war than ever before .
22 One-third of the Jewish population of Great Britain lived there and the influx of refugees escaping from persecution in eastern Europe between 1880 and the First World War had exacerbated many of the social problems of this decaying inner city area .
23 The division between the private and the public sphere , which was located both in economic development ( the separation of work and home ) and in social ideology , was by the end of the nineteenth century at the heart of moral discourse ; as a corollary , not surprisingly , the development of social purity was to have profound effects between the 1880s and the First World War on the regulation of sexual behaviour .
24 It is tempting to explain the startling developments which duly took place in Russian domestic affairs in the second half of the 1850s and the first half of the 1860s by saying that the tsar recognized the extent of the difficulties which confronted him and applied himself to resolving them .
25 During 1989 and the first part of 1990 Pasok 's standing was seriously undermined by a number of scandals , as attempts were made to uncover the full extent of corruption during the period of Pasok government .
26 During late 1989 and the first part of 1990 immigration and race relations were key political issues [ for October 1989 " headscarves " controversy , December Front National electoral successes p. 37134 ] .
27 Relations between the United States and Israel in late 1989 and the first half of 1990 were marked by growing differences over the strategy towards the Middle East peace process [ see pp. 37304 ; 37547 ] and over the settlement of Jewish Immigrants [ see p. 37304 ] .
28 Latest figures showed parish church councils netted £237,571 in 1990 down £1,000 in real terms on 1989 and the first fall for 14 years .
29 Following disturbances in October 1989 , major stock markets around the world remained strong at the end of the year , with some reaching historical peaks in the last week of 1989 and the first week of 1990 .
30 All three components had a hand in producing the marked reduction in annual growth rate between the first half of the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s , but the dominant feature was the fall in the number of births .
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