Example sentences of "[num] and then [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Or the group may start at Phase 2 and then go to Phase 5 .
2 Marin won the Grand Prix de Sculpture in 1801 and then moved to Rome where he stayed at the Villa Medici for ten years and taught at the Accademia di San Luca .
3 He has a long and distinguished career in public health medicine : he was the first doctor to give a patient penicillin in 1941 and then moved to the post of director of the Medical Research Council 's Pneumoconiosis Research Unit , investigating diseases of the lung .
4 Tom joined the AEA police at Sellafield in 1969 and then transferred to Chapelcross in 1974 , where he completed 18 years service .
5 He married a Miss Ridings of Cork in 1847 or 1848 and then emigrated to New Zealand , where he died in Auckland 2 December 1859 .
6 At primary level , the drop-out rate rose to 30 per cent in the cohort which finished seven years of school in 1987 and then fell to 16.4 per cent for those finishing in 1989 .
7 Curve round west to post 23 and then head to the summit of Lord 's Seat .
8 Michael , his father , Mark , 37 , and mother Anna , 36 , were given hot showers aboard the yacht Walkabout Two and then airlifted to St Mary 's Hospital on the Isle of Wight .
9 And it it really is covered by the passages in erm erm , just , I just reiterate that that that expressly referring your Lordship to it , professional duty except in so far as it may be necessary to elucidate the rules that that was at page eight hundred and forty one at the bottom and it goes over the page to eight four two and then proceeds to general proposition to those two experts ordinary witness may not may not give their opinions towards matters legal or moral obligation .
10 Young Archie was educated at the local National school until he was 14 and then apprenticed to Stephens & Sons , pioneers of the Stephens motor-car .
11 Under the contract the fuel will be stored in Dounreay until 1996 and then returned to Germany .
12 Peter of Corbeil was recommended for a prebend in York , given the bishopric of Cambrai in 1199 and then translated to the archbishopric of Sens in 1200 .
13 The elections had originally been scheduled for January 1990 and then postponed to Feb. 18 when they were abandoned soon after polling started upon the observation of irregularities , and Djohar 's rivals accused him of vote-rigging .
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