Example sentences of "[num] and [v-ing] for a " in BNC.

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1 4 You can learn more about the vauDe range by ringing 0434 320744 and asking for a catalogue .
2 One sixty in the back row at one sixty and selling for a hundred and sixty , one seventy standing one eighty one ninety one ninety , two hundred pounds any more ?
3 At seventy , seventy five , eighty pounds eighty five , ninety pounds ninety five , a hundred one hundred pounds against you , one ten to my right , against you at the back one ten to my right , at one ten and selling for a hundred and ten .
4 One hundred pounds and ten one twenty one twenty offered to my right , at one twenty and selling for a hundred and twenty pounds .
5 Lot number two Lot two is a Japanese ivory carving we 've got that showing for you for seventy five pounds at seventy five pounds , eighty , eighty five , ninety offered I 'm offered ninety pounds and I 'm selling it for ninety , ninety five , a hundred pounds and ten one twenty thirty a hundred and thirty for you sir , coming in at one thirty in the back row , one thirty and selling for a hundred and thirty pounds .
6 At one , and ten , twenty one thirty at a hundred and thirty pounds standing , at one thirty , all done , at one hundred and thirty and selling for a hundred and thirty pounds thank you sir , the same buyer , one hundred and thirty pounds for eight five four .
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