Example sentences of "[num] and [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was about 12 and going to the school up the road — Clint Boon was in the year above me — and one morning there was this big commotion in the classroom .
2 Thus , writing C for the capacitance of C 1 in parallel with C 2 and eliminating between the two equations or where , and In terms of partial fractions it is convenient to express the Laplace transform of I 2 as so that taking the inverse Laplace transformation where Note that and are both positive and real since and The latter result follows because From equation ( 11.51 ) the time dependence of the output voltage is given by But when assuming capacitor C 2 is uncharged initially .
3 Thus in 1981–86 the South gained 580 000 people , twice the increase recorded in 1976–81 , while the rest of Britain saw its population fall by almost 200 000 , an increase in the rate of loss compared to 1976–81 and moving against the national trend ( table 8.2 ) .
4 The British pairing of Colette Hall and local girl Sarah Loosemore was unable to win a set in the doubles against Lisa Albano and Emmons , despite leading 5–4 and serving in the second .
5 There is even a photograph of the boathouse at the same time , sitting in splendid isolation near Gimlet Rock in 1891 and contrasting with the more built-up scene in another photograph taken almost 100 years later .
6 Fukase 's series RAVENS preoccupied him for ten years , beginning with a chance photograph of a flock of crows on his native Hokkaido in 1975 and culminating in the publication of 62 photographs in 1986 .
7 Boats carrying troops and equipment began leaving Toulon on Sept. 21 and arriving at the Red Sea port of Yanbu in Saudi Arabia on Sept. 29 , while from Sept. 23 the aircraft carrier Clémenceau also began unloading some 500 troops and 42 helicopters in Yanbu , returning afterwards to France .
8 The English expectation of life , in the 1880s , was only 43.7 years — by 1940 this had become 60.2 and increasing with the advancement in medical care — and between 1870 and 1900 , the British Empire was increased territorially by a half and its population by a third .
9 My subsequent business activities were to involve my old colleague Barry Kirby in , commencing January 1981 and ending in the mid-eighties when the premises came in for redevelopment .
10 Marne growers ( as opposed to Marne houses ) however , felt much aggrieved by the continued blending of Aube wines , a situation aggravated by the financial hardship they faced after three bad harvests in 1907 , 1908 and 1909 and culminating in the disastrous vintage of 1910 .
11 Any change would of course be a small one and would only be seen in candidates adopted after the " new regime " of 1911 and fighting for the marginal industrial seats of the North .
12 There was a daily requisition to carry troops to the Rossall rifle ranges , leaving between 8–30 and 9–30 and returning at the end of the afternoon .
13 ‘ I was living in Gambler Terrace , Liverpool 8 and signing on the dole .
14 The Dolphin was commanded by Captain Samuel Wallis , who also had the Prince Frederick and the Swallow ( Captain Carteret ) under his orders , and she sailed round the world by way of the Straits of Magellan , Tahiti , Java , the Cape of Good Hope , and St Helena , leaving Plymouth on 19 August 1766 and anchoring in the Downs on 20 May 1768 , paying off in June .
15 After winning the Yorkshire Amateur Championship in 1973 and playing in the Walker Cup it was uphill all the way topped off with Ryder Cup success during the Eighties .
16 They took to each new form of transport enthusiastically , motoring across Europe and the States in the twenties and taking to the air in the thirties .
17 The idea for Mo' Money came from an experience Damon had when he was in his early twenties and working in the postroom at a credit card company .
18 Give him a pen , a pint and a puzzle and he 's happy LUNCH for Bill Pilkington usually comprises a pint and The Times crossword lingering over one and whizzing through the other .
19 He enjoys creeping past the back gardens of his neighbours , spotting the gleaming milk pails in one and listening to the notes of a bass viol coming from another .
20 The victory laid to rest any doubt that may have emerged about the VP 's continued authority following a weaker showing in local council elections earlier in August ( when the VP held only two of four municipalities , losing one and tying with the opposition in the fourth ) .
21 The results are consistent with protonation of 3-deazaadenine occurring , probably at N -1 and interfering with the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding .
22 As for Giggs — he is good but clearly over-rated : i go mad when papers/commentaries starts whining about him when he does a little trick or two and starting with the ‘ world class ’ and ‘ new George Best ’ stuff .
23 Paula , aged twenty-three in 1945 and working for the Worcester Brass Company in Birmingham , had no hesitation in sticking up for herself : The report adds : ‘ Paula is living a very bright life with plenty of entertainment and dancing , but she knows how many beans make five ! ,
24 After the coup which established Edward III on the throne in 1330 he once again became an active royal agent , serving as envoy to France in 1331 and fighting in the Scottish campaigns of the mid-1330s .
25 Independence was granted , either willingly or reluctantly , over a period of thirty years beginning with the cases of Ghana , Sudan and Morocco in the 1950s and ending with the somewhat exceptional one of Zimbabwe in 1980 .
26 The third and by far the most important is the trio of Green Papers ( Cm 570 , 571 and 572 ) issued by The Lord Chancellor in January 1989 followed by a White Paper ( Cm 740 ) in June 1990 and culminating in the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
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