Example sentences of "[num] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 there we go Blondie , Island of Lost Souls , taking us round to eighteen minutes before eight o'clock on a Tuesday night , a Radio Nottingham Sports Special , Notts on the Italia trail tonight .
2 Tommy spent quite a time delivering the handbills to every house in the town and opened for business at eight o'clock on a Monday morning and closed twelve hours later .
3 Eleven o'clock of a hurricane morning , Trent thought wryly .
4 Eleven o'clock on a Sunday morning and the Reverend Steve Parcell is tending to his flock .
5 Even if every child of thirteen was learning algebra at eleven o'clock on a Wednesday , each child would be learning algebra for himself , with the help of his own class teacher .
6 Why do n't you go in late , go in for eleven o'clock on a Friday
7 Well ca n't , he said look have a word , and he said to me , you know , do you mind if we do like eight till eleven o'clock as a wedding party
8 The stumps were pitched at 12 o'clock after a firework display .
9 Barcelona , 2 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon .
10 Cumming ( he changed his name in 1889 after marriage ) spent the early 1890s largely as a country gentleman on his second wife 's Morayshire estate .
11 It was written and painted with outstanding expertise about the year 800 AD in a monastery scriptorium , but it is impossible to identify where this monastery was located .
12 The foreign ministers of the three Indo-Chinese regimes met on 5 January 1980 just before a visit to Hanoi by the Malaysian Foreign Minister .
13 This entails an analysis of the origins of European Union during 1969-1972 together with a survey of its fortunes and changing interpretations during the subsequent period 1972-1984 .
14 SIX o'clock on a Friday night and , in the Lyttleton foyer , groups of people cluster noisily round the bar ; others , waiting for companions , finger books in the bookshop .
15 Yet Shirley Millings , walking across Southwark Bridge shortly before six o'clock on a June morning , rather liked the river at low tide .
16 Six o'clock on a Saturday night and
17 Some of them wanted to charge as much as twelve and six just for a skirt .
18 The hotel manager woke me at 10 a.m. with a telegram from my mother , which had been delayed .
19 I would then return to bed , setting the alarm for 7 a.m. for a repeat performance .
20 Mecir , whose world ranking has dropped to 26 chiefly as a result of back injuries , ought to add a good deal of craft to the Silk Cut Championships at Wembley next month .
21 Sorting went on in Church and Davidson Room from 10 am to 10 pm for a fortnight .
22 Examples of these are " what rate is a phone call at 10 am on a Tuesday " ( 62 per cent , 78 per cent , 82 per cent correct within each band respectively ) or " what is the most expensive time of the day for telephone calls ? " ( 63 per cent , 69 per cent , 85 per cent ) .
23 Nineteen people have been injured , six seriously in a coach crash on the M fifty in Gloucestershire .
24 Three o'clock on a Saturday afternoon will become meaningless , ’ grieves the new edition , widely expected to have been posthumous .
25 He thought : He has acquired the mystique of the story-teller and , glancing at the ring of fire-lit and intent faces , he was suddenly reminded of his first village school , of the children clustered round Miss Douglas at three o'clock on a Friday afternoon for the half hour of story-time , and felt a pang of pain and regret for those lost days of innocence and love .
26 The difference is that in predicated themes , the thematic element is presented as new information ; in identifying themes , the thematic element is presented as known information ( see section 5.1.2 below for a discussion of known vs new information ) .
27 I could pay , I would have to pay the first eighty somewhat and I would have to pay the first ninety , ninety somewhat on a pair of glasses
28 They are , I mean there 's only usually two or three there at a time , but you see it 's all bricking at the present
29 Mark Benson won the toss for Kent and , as is customary these days , put Hampshire in But 11 o'clock on a July morning is very different from 10.30am in September and , while it was cloudy , there was nothing like the assistance the bowlers will expect to find at the start of the NatWest Trophy final later in the year .
30 Iranian officials rejected a report by the UN Committee on Social and Humanitarian Issues adopted on Dec. 4 together with a resolution condemning Iran for abuse of human rights .
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