Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The number density of energetic ions and electrons is so high that were you or I to cross the belt we would receive 500 times the lethal dose of such particles .
2 In an experiment carried out by Anthony Arak , a zoologist from Cambridge University , the large calling male was removed from ten groups ; in eight cases the other group members dispersed .
3 The net electrical output from the plant 's four units is 3498 megawatts — enough to supply 4.5 times the present power demand of Gothenburg , Sweden 's second-largest city .
4 Those that will demand up to eight times the usual premium .
5 Protestors complained of forms being resold at eight times the original price , and accused officials of reserving share applications for family and friends .
6 Georges Bookshop in Bristol sold 762 copies during the signing and 70 copies the following day .
7 In interviews of eight subjects the mean proportion of utterance time taken up by pauses varied across the subjects from 4 to 54 per cent .
8 At St-Aubin , soil contains 30 times the acceptable level of radioactivity .
9 We are all the time , every time we encourage extra journeys we are encouraging extra C O 2 emissions the most part is found most important factors in increasing the security generation and all other forms of airborne pollution .
10 In 30 cases the first biopsy was taken using a fibreoptic endoscope .
11 The scare was caused by a report which showed that cavers were sometimes being exposed to levels of radiation , in the form of radon , up to 800 times the official safety limit in homes .
12 Areas particularly badly affected include the cities of Giurgiu , Braila and Turnu-Severin , which suffer from severe acid rain ; the provinces of Gorj , Sibiu and Maramures have sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere at 12 times the official limit .
13 After 12 months the relevant authorities are still asking for more copies of the plans that were submitted about nine months ago .
14 By the end of 12 months the first group recorded 20 per cent lower medical claims than the other two , and the savings amounted to six times the cost of the health promotion package they had received .
15 Does he recall that in that 12 months the British economy has contracted by 2.5 per cent .
16 Peat hags , typical of the Pennine uplands and indicating a gritstone base , mark the way but the walking is easy to the next prominent top , High Seat , at 2328 feet the highest point on the range .
17 Although wishing to increase membership , Council was anxious that direct entry was not seen as an easy option and instructed the M&R Committee to apply rigorously the requirement that the candidates demonstrate at least five years ' experience at senior level in credit management and to raise to 30 years the minimum age .
18 In 1911 both came into the hands of Henry Haydn Jones ( 1863-1950 ) , for over 30 years the Liberal Member of Parliament for Merionethshire ( later Sir Haydn Jones ) .
19 Here is what Norman Burtt , for over 30 years the public relations manager at Lever Brothers , has to say about what you need to be a company PR manager : 1Total honesty — with your employers , your staff , your " public " and the media .
20 Up to the age of 2 years the developmental screening tests ( Griffiths 1954 ; Bayley 1969 ) provide a profile of the child 's skills .
21 Throughout the past 12 years the regional gap has widened .
22 For the past 300 years the substantial remains of one of medieval England 's most important fortresses have lain hidden beneath part of the city centre .
23 When the train crossing time was increased to 30 seconds the mean delays went up to 0.52 , 0.75 and 3.0 seconds for the three vehicle separation times , and the maximum queue lengths became 2 , 4 and 10 respectively .
24 Although the army now had its largest-ever establishment of 85,000 men the great majority were serving overseas , but Pitt tried to offset the shortage of troops by increasing their mobility .
25 For most modules the mean mark will normally be in the low to middle 50s and if there are more than 30 students the standard deviation will tend to be between 10 and 20 .
26 The growth in part-time jobs from 1981 to 1985 records the smallest growth in the ranks of the flexible workforce — totalling no more than 300,000 for the whole period .
27 The 16-year-old , who had clocked 4 mins 49 secs the previous week , improved his performance to 4 mins 34 secs , two seconds inside the English Schools qualifying time .
28 The ‘ A ’ or No. 1 solution is then applied liberally and after about 10 minutes the second solution is applied .
29 NEEDING to unwind the key in my back for 10 minutes the other day I passed a church near Everton 's ground declaring ; ‘ It 's never too late to talk to God . ’
30 After incubation in the X.laevis oocytes for 3–48 hours the radiolabelled tRNA was reisolated , hydrolyzed completely with P1 nuclease or RNase T2 and the presence of modified nucleotides were analysed by 2D-TLC ( 10 , 20 ) .
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