Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 No drugs are foods The number of syllogisms done in 2 minutes would constitute the test .
2 In some cases these Rios 2 chips will overlap the PowerPC in performance while others should outperform it 50% to 100% at the same clock speeds thanks to superscalar technology .
3 Their half-lives of about 30 years will determine the length of time over which the doses will be delivered .
4 Perhaps the combination of the growing strength of the feminist movement in this country and the expanding numbers of older women over the next twenty to forty years will provide the keys to political and social change .
5 The 2 dimensions would represent the row ( numbered 0 to 7 ) and the column ( also numbered 0 to 7 ) .
6 The 22 teams will leave the starting ramp at four minute intervals to cover 63 kilometres in tight formation .
7 And if the scheme works , West Mercia Police says many of its other 691 parishes will get the new breed of crimefighter too .
8 The directors of the company have given the Panel a written assurance that the company 's 1991 accounts will meet the requirements in full and the Panel has decided to take no further action .
9 The poll also asked which of six technologies would have the greatest practical impact on the respondent 's company in the next five years .
10 Six readers will have the opportunity to meet the BBC Good Food team at the second BBC Good Food readers ' lunch , to be hosted by Perrier at an award-winning Les Routiers restaurant in Yorkshire .
11 Despite this , if the three immediate hurdles discussed above can be overcome — and the signs are that they will be — then the next six months will see the crisis management of the last half year replaced by more positive discussion about the pace and nature of convergence .
12 Even if removing Mark is justifiable , research suggests returning him to his mother within six weeks would offer the best prospect for successful rehabilitation .
13 Mr Kakilashvili said six lawyers would represent the club who had ‘ God and the truth on their side . ’
14 Interestingly , in our Hemingway passage , there are no definite articles conditioned by previous mention — although the mention of a father and six children might justify the use of the family .
15 A poll at the weekend showed that seven out of 10 Protestants would want the Ulster Unionists to side with the Tories if no party wins an overall majority .
16 Billy Graham would say , ‘ Good evening , ladies and gentlemen ’ and six translators would repeat the phrase in their own languages , their mikes feeding the appropriate centres .
17 In four years ’ time the world 's biggest nuclear power station — a £70 million project with a capacity of 500 megawatts will dominate the scene . ’
18 Each of the three groups will use the double classification of goal attainment ( goal achievement , productivity , etc. ) and systems processes ( adaptiveness , participant satisfaction , inner processes , systems resources , etc. ) , as explained above in the summary of the section on effectiveness .
19 These three Plans will form the basis of a statutory District Wide Local Plan , required under the terms of the Planning and Compensation Act 1991 . ’
20 It had already formed local pacts with the SzDSz in five counties , but on March 30 Antall announced that the HDF had formed an electoral pact with the Smallholders and the Christian Democratic People 's Party whereby the three parties would support the best placed candidate in each constituency .
21 This year 72,000 fans will see the cream of the heavy metal scene such as Iron Maiden , Sid Row and W.A.S.P perform an avalanche of blistering music .
22 There 's nothing really daring about their show , no gambles , unless you amuse yourself by guessing which of the three vocalists will leave the stage next .
23 ‘ The system 's virtually glitch-proof : three technicians can run the whole thing .
24 While the Symphony in Three Movements can survive the Klemperer treatment , it would be difficult to defend his 1963 Pulcinella , which is far too poker-faced for music of such lightness and grace .
25 Mr Dewar , Labour spokesman on social security , said at the weekend that Chancellor Norman Lamont 's Budget proposals to increase tax by £17 billion over the next three years would punish the nation — particularly the low paid .
26 Expressing the belief that public spending ceilings set last autumn for the next three years would keep the growth of spending below that of the economy as a whole , the Chancellor stressed : ‘ Proper control of public expenditure can not be achieved simply by setting targets .
27 The three officers will agree the terminology of the request .
28 If there is any chance that the three consultants can examine the person on the same day , then it will avoid much of the trauma for the lay client .
29 The public protection committee deals with the th , the consumer affairs , public health , trading standards and it therefore , the person who 's in charge of those three departments should have the , the thing as public protection .
30 Let it be supposed that according to the usual methods of borrowing and funding , the Public Debts , during the present war , should encrease to no greater degree than they did in the last war ; which was about 30 millions : And let it be supposed , according to past experience , that in ten or twelve years after a peace ; we should be plunged into a fresh war ; which might encrease the debts of the nation 30 millions more , and that afterwards we should have another breathing time of ten or twelve years , and that according to custom a third war should ensue , no less expensive than each of the former two ; these three wars will swell the national debts to the amount of 170 millions , and that in little more than fifty years .
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