Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [prep] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Currently , a supplement should be paid if a repayment is not made within 30 days of Customs ' receipt of the return .
2 Three aspects of teachers ' knowledge will be analysed : i ) knowledge of the subject being taught ; ii ) capacity to represent it in a variety of appropriate ways related to the knowledge and experience of the type of pupils to whom it was taught ; and iii ) knowledge and understanding of the relevant pedagogy .
3 The Companies Act should be amended so that directors ' service contracts do not exceed three years without shareholders ' approval .
4 These three values are the names of three clusters of birds ' sizes .
5 Why should governments , even the Thatcher government , which is strongly committed to allowing market forces to work , spend several billion pounds of taxpayers ' money promoting R&D ?
6 15.11.3 Appeals from experts ' decisions
7 Additional measures included cuts of $11,900 million over five years in farm commodity programmes , and reductions of $3,700 million over five years in veterans ' benefits .
8 Figure 8 Sources of pensioners ' incomes 1979 and 1987
9 A split developed in the Independent Smallholders ' Party on Dec. 29 , 1989 , with the founding session of the National Smallholders and Bourgeois Party , attended by 150 members from Smallholders ' Party branches .
10 He can expect a change of pace in his new job : whereas he was responsible for 290 students at Goldsmiths ' , the Maastricht programme has eight students per year in a two-year course .
11 Over the back of the chair next to the table were two pairs of vergers ' white cotton gloves drying .
12 They highlighted two defects in pluralists ' insistence on studying actual decision-making and observable political conflicts .
13 Two extracts from students ' responses will illustrate the sort of four-minute stories that were written :
14 Some six million pounds of taxpayers ' money , it is thought , was syphoned to the Provisional IRA through compensation claims for bombed buildings prior to 1976 .
15 There are , basically , two philosophies about competitors ' media selection : to compete in the same media , because ‘ we must be seen to compete ’ or because it is the only really possible medium or ( even ) because ‘ they must know something ’ ; or to try to avoid the competition and to ‘ dominate ’ a reasonable alternative medium .
16 Over 1,600 of 2,205 samples of cows ' milk had pesticide residues , including " widespread and excessive " quantities of DDT and HCH ( also known as BHC ) .
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