Example sentences of "[num] [art] first [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The deadline was June 11th 1803 , and on July 7th 1801 the first general meeting of subscribers was held in the Session House in Bedford .
2 By 1882 , Edison 's system of generating power in a central power station , changed industrial methods almost as much as steam had brought about the industrial revolution , and by 1885 the first internal combustion driven machine had appeared , to be followed in 1894 by the first recognisable motorcar .
3 In 1924 the First Labour Government devoted much effort to restoring normal relations with the Soviet Union .
4 The gift was accepted and plans made — although never fulfilled — to have some 30 canoeists with each Commando , and in July 1940 the first Special Boat Section was formed .
5 In 1904 the first Pan-Presbyterian Council was held and in 1905 the Baptist World Alliance was formed at Exeter Hall .
6 2.2 The first German sample provided the pilot for the following surveys :
7 In 1917 the First German Association of Large Families was founded and at least two active pro-natalist organisations were established .
8 Some of the Old Stopfordians present , including Lord Royle ( since 1964 the first Stopfordian Life Peer ) , had attended the School at Greek Street .
9 In 1981 the first large timeshare complex opened at Langdale , helped by a tourist board grant .
10 APR 1992 The first two Improvement Teams were trained and a database set up to record TOP Tips .
11 ( 3 ) In 1902 the first major science fiction film was made , in France : the twenty-one-minute silent A Trip to the Moon , by George Méliès .
12 Uncertainties concerning ownership of land and buildings , the state of the balance sheets of East German companies and labour costs had discouraged Western companies from investing in East German companies , but on Aug. 17 the first major investment agreement was announced .
13 4 The first recorded date in history , which maybe the British Domesday Book of 1086 , or the Crusader Lists , or possibly the 16th century Huguenot register .
14 The non-governmental environmentalist organization Greenpeace published in Washington on May 29 the first comprehensive survey of the human and environmental impact of the Gulf war , based on interviews with relief workers , reporters and US officials .
15 At Batavia , the pall of ash took a fair while to arrive ; in the early morning of the twenty-seventh , the sky was clear , but by 10.15 it had become lurid and yellowish as the ash spread across the sky ; by 10.30 the first fine ash was actually sifting softly down on to the streets .
16 In 1966 the first international taekwondo federation was formed .
17 In the early 19th century shopkeepers began offering free gifts as an inducement to trade , while in 1844 the first co-operative dividend scheme was introduced .
18 In 1970 the first Congressional reform bill for more than two decades was passed — the Legislative Reorganization Act .
19 In 1832 the first parliamentary reform bill was passed and Dundee was one of the new constituencies created by the Act .
20 On Monday 27 July 1778 the first major action of the new war was fought some 70 miles [ 112 km ] west of Ushant , and proved indecisive , but convinced Louis XIV 's chief minister , the Comte de Vergennes , that he needed Spanish help to clear the way for a successful invasion .
21 In 1907 the first Egyptian Nationalist Congress met .
22 The UN General Assembly approved by consensus on Feb. 23 the first international plan to combat illegal drug production and consumption ( estimated by the UN to be worth US$500,000 million a year ) and declared the period 1991-2000 the UN Decade Against Drug Abuse .
23 The Eugenics Society set up in 1926 the first medical study on contraceptive experience , which reported benefits to health .
24 In 1956 the first recorded questioning of the bondholders ' status occurs , paradoxically as the interest payments on bonds are resumed .
25 In August 1989 the first direct flight by a German national carrier between East and West Germany ( from Frankfurt/Main to Leipzig ) was made after the Four Powers decided in July to allow the West German airline Lufthansa to make direct commercial flights on a trial basis .
26 On 13 July 1919 the first two-way crossing of the Atlantic was completed by the Beardmore-built R34 , which made the flight to Minneola in the USA in spite of carrying the world 's first airborne stowaway .
27 In 1965 the first advanced gas cooled reactor , Dungeness B , was ordered .
28 Formed in 1868 the first English club North of York the Bankers are the only club in continuous , 102 year Northern League membership .
29 Originally it was taught privately , but in 1936 the first local education authority classes commenced in Essex .
30 In 1915 the first major demonstration of the war had taken place in Berlin , when five hundred housewives protested before the Reichstag that the quality of whipped cream was not up to pre-1914 standards .
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