Example sentences of "[num] [num] is [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 the cabinet , there it is showing on the left-hand wall there , Lot number ninety five is showing for a hundred pounds , at one hundred and ten , twenty at one hundred and twenty pounds at a hundred and thirty , forty , fifty , sixty one seventy for the lady sir one eighty standing one ninety two hundred , two twenty for the lady two hundred and twenty , two forty two sixty two hundred and sixty and it 's still with the lady and selling for two hundred and sixty pounds eight forty , thank you , two sixty .
2 Of this 45.2 million is used for arable farming and permanent crops ( % ) , 137.7 million is forest and woodland ( % ) , 455.5 million is permanent pasture ( % ) and 123.4 million is other land ( towns , mountains etc . ) .
3 Lot number one three two Lot number one three two is showing for you , Lot number one three two for thirty pounds , at thirty , thirty five , forty , forty five , fifty pounds , fifty five standing at fifty five I 've got and I shall sell at fifty five , sixty in front sixty , sixty five pounds seventy going on ?
4 Lot sixty eight Edison stand , there it is now , Lot sixty eight er three hundred is offered for this , three hundred pounds and twenty , three fifty three eighty , any more at three eighty ?
5 Lot number seventy seven Lot seventy seven Lot number seventy seven is showing for you and I 've got a hundred pounds offered for it and ten , twenty , at one hundred and twenty pounds at a hundred and twenty pounds , one twenty , you all done ?
6 Lot forty one Edison Gem there it is , Lot forty one eighty is offered for this eighty pounds , ninety , one hundred one hundred against you now , any more ?
7 Is that all that that thirteen thousand five hundred is targeted for , and that is for the four meetings of the County Council each year , when there will be a public er question time .
8 Lot seven is the Andia Cockatoo loudspeaker now showing , there it is , thank you , Lot seven and two hundred is offered for this , two hundred pounds and twenty , two twenty forty , sixty two sixty now any more at two sixty , all done ?
9 And Lot sixty nine Edison Standard , there it is , Lot sixty nine , two hundred is offered for this , and twenty , any more at two twenty ?
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