Example sentences of "[num] [vb base] [been] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Of this season 's injuries , more than one in 10 have been to the life and movement threatening areas of head , neck and back .
2 A large proportion of dwellings constructed beyond the cities since 1960 have been in the owner-occupied sector .
3 On the economic front , changes in the economy and labour needs since the 1970s have been among the factors encouraging modification of this rigid system .
4 ‘ Think how long BBC2 and Channel 4 have been on the air and they still have barely 10 per cent of the British audience .
5 Two men could n't get any closer than those two have been over the last couple of years , could they ? ’
6 By an extraordinary coincidence all four have been in the recording studio recently , and have sent in their labours for critical appreciation .
7 Half of all the records since 1947 have been for the period mid-February to mid-April , particularly March , with 30 per cent. , which suggests that there is a fairly regular , although small , spring movement through the county .
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