Example sentences of "[num] [vb past] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , if sufficient sulphate is available in vivo , our belief is that sulphate reducing bacteria will be responsible for most of the H 2 utilised by the gut microflora .
2 Most of the 800 named by the commission were wanted by Yugoslavia , and the FO secretly acknowledged that it had an excellent case .
3 At a conference in the Home Office in November 1933 attended by the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police , two officers of MI5 and a superintendent from Special Branch , it was decided that information should be systematically collected on fascism in the United Kingdom .
4 Scouts from Notts , Lincs , Derbys and Leics have smashed the world record for a canoe raft of 376 held by the People 's Youth Movement of Singapore last year .
5 All parties are aware of the need to train native architects , archaeologists , technicians , and craftsmen to replace the hundreds murdered by the Khmer Rouge .
6 Unlike his fellow sovereigns , Napoleon III reigned by the Grace of God and the will of the people , to whom the Constitution made him directly responsible — a point which he himself stressed continually .
7 Following the imposition of rigorous communist policies a coup in December 1979 supported by the entry of about 80,000 Soviet troops installed a more moderate communist regime .
8 The relief sought by the applicant was , inter alia , ( 1 ) an order of certiorari to quash the section 2(2) notice dated 24 June 1991 issued by the Director ; and ( 2 ) an order prohibiting her from requiring or further requiring him to attend and comply with the requirements of a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Act of 1987 without ( a ) affording him a reasonable opportunity for his application for legal aid to be processed and thereby affording him the opportunity to be legally advised on such requirements and to be legally represented at such time as he was required to comply with them and ( b ) causing him to be cautioned in accordance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 before being required to comply with those requirements .
9 Following a very successful workshop in September 1991 supported by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust , which representatives of most EC countries attended , the faculty has been active in promoting its model of training to other EC countries .
10 The project was one of three commissioned by the Department of Education and Science ( DES ) in their post-Cockcroft Report programme of research development .
11 The graves contained the bodies of up to 200 policemen , many of whom had been blindfolded and shot in the back of the head , who were presumed to have been amongst the 600 captured by the LTTE on June 11 [ see above ; pp. 37529-30 ] .
12 The RAC was to comprise : three members nominated by the University , three nominated by the WEA and a further three to represent LEA interests .
13 It was reported in late December that some 142,000 Jews had emigrated from the Soviet Union to Israel during 1991 , compared with the 400,000 expected by the government at the start of the year and the 185,000 who had emigrated in 1990 .
14 Three people were killed and 91 injured by the bomb .
15 Henry II decreed by the Assize of Woodstock that in every Forest county four knights should be appointed as agisters to agist his woods , and twelve knights ‘ to keep his vert and venison ’ .
16 Regular classes started in WALES at Rhyl in 1976 followed by the Prestatyn , Colwyn Bay and Powys areas .
17 There are more than 1,500 employed by the Ministry of Defence at military bases across Northern Ireland , and at least five of them have been murdered .
18 The budget for 1992 presented by the Finance Minister Yannis Paliokrassas on Nov. 29 planned for an intensification of the existing policy of economic austerity .
19 The jet was small compared to commercial aircraft and to the new , private 747s sported by the oil Sheikhs today , but it was large enough to have three separate compartments .
20 One contemporary manuscript shows Henry II crowned by the hand of Christ , while angels invest him with sword and lance .
21 The official crime statistics show that , in 1980 , 421 cases of rape were proved in the courts , out of a total of 1,225 cases recorded by the police , and that 2,423 cases of indecent ( i.e. sexual ) assault were proved out of 11,498 recorded by the police .
22 The councils are among the ten penalised by the Government for setting budgets above spending limits .
23 He returned to power in 1958 haunted by the thought that he was ten years too late .
24 Recently the army have purchased new , heavier US flak jackets to give protection against the Barrett Light 50 used by the IRA sniper known as Goldfinger .
25 The 22,000 workers in the Asturian state steel sector and auxiliary industries staged a 24-hour strike throughout the region on Feb. 6 organized by the UGT ( Uniòn General de Trabajadores ) and the CCOO ( Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras ) .
26 Admittedly the former supplied twice as many houses as the latter but if the fatal cases of cholera during the entire epidemic are taken in proportion to the houses supplied , it will be seen that there were 610 deaths out of 10,000 houses supplied by the Southwark and Vauxhall company , whereas there were only 1 19 out of 10,000 supplied by the Lambeth Company .
27 Using the results obtained on page 279 , we can examine the effect of changes in a 3 induced by the tax .
28 The WHO estimated that by 2000 about 40,000,000 people could be infected with the HIV virus ( as compared with the estimate of 25,000,000-30,000,000 infections by 2000 made by the WHO in 1988 ) , while the total number of adult AIDS cases could reach 10,000,000 , of which almost 90 per cent would be in the developing countries .
29 Nor , to my mind , is the significance of section 8 enhanced by the decision in Gillick 's case .
30 Three plans had been put forward by economists , and the State Council , at a session on Sept. 16 attended by the presidents of 10 republics ( ie. not Georgia or Moldava ) , adopted the Yavlinsky plan " as a basis " .
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