Example sentences of "[num] [conj] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These results confirm the notion that , under the reaction conditions applied , Dcm is methylated by SAM to a significant extent either directly at its active residue Cys 177 or in a reaction requiring Cys 177 for catalysis .
2 It comes in sizes S , M , L and XL and at a cost of just £6.75 is an affordable way to thrust yourself into the very forefront of the 1990's fashion !
3 A typical house church is marked by the exercise of some or all of the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12 and by a belief that scriptural prophecy is being fulfilled today .
4 The stress σ is applied to spring E 1 and dashpot η 3 ; it is also shared by E 2 and η 2 but in a manner which varies with time .
5 ‘ And Carl has decided not to play in the Top 12 because of a commitment with his German League team .
6 The government announced on Nov. 26 that over a period of three years it intended to cut 122,000 government jobs — approximately one fifth of state employees — at an estimated saving to the state of the equivalent of US$1,500 million .
7 The company was fined 2,000 and as a result of that conviction and the Health and Safety Executive 's ( HSE ) recommendations additional safety precautions were introduced on the assembly line which were not , however , extended to the testing process at the Newton Aycliffe plant .
8 With production set to double by 1995 and against a background of firmer oil prices , we are well placed for the decade ahead .
9 Barrow grew from a single house into a fishing village of some 300 people by the 1840s and into a town of 40,000 people a generation later .
10 In January 1963 Hugh Gaitskell , the leader of the Labour party , died at the age of fifty-six and within a month was succeeded by Harold Wilson .
11 Since gaining independence within the Commonwealth ( as an " independent sovereign state " from 1963 and as a republic from 1967 ) , Uganda has been ruled by regimes dominated first by Milton Obote ( 1962-71 ) and then by Idi Amin ( 1971-79 ) ; Obote was re-elected as President in 1980 in the aftermath of the Tanzanian backed overthrow of Amin the previous year , but was himself overthrown in 1985 .
12 Alistair Cameron , from Irvine , was only 13 when he visited the school in 1991 while on a holiday to see his older brother .
13 The 70th was raised in Surrey in 1756 and as a result it was the junior of the two regiments .
14 ‘ Dilly ’ , as he was called , went to Summer Fields , Oxford , at the age of eleven and after a year was first in his election to Eton .
15 He qualified as a barrister in 1980 and within a year was an attorney-at-law in commercial insurance litigation which he claimed was making him £500,000 a year .
16 It has been estimated that the pope was compulsorily absent for more than half the century between 1099 and 1198 and for a total of 67 years in the next century ( 1198 – 1304 ) .
17 When there has been a contravention of subsection ( 1 ) of section 89 or of any of subsections ( 1 ) to ( 6 ) of section 90 or of a provision to which subsection ( 3 ) of section 89 applies , the company and every officer of it who knowingly authorised or permitted the contravention are jointly and severally liable to compensate any person , to whom an offer should have been made under the subsection or provision , for any loss , damage costs or expenses .
18 Lawrence bowling the last ball of this over and it 's a bouncer and gets underneath it , he 's six , DaSilva is eighteen , it 's a hundred and eighteen for three and after a word for big it will be Brian Johnston .
19 ‘ Then the remains arrived next day and the sister Mary , who is 89 and on a walking aid , objected to her grave being dug and being used by Katherine at that stage .
20 The Empress miscarried in April 1853 and as a consequence remained extremely unwell for months .
21 This has now been achieved through the Employment Act 19 89 because of a requirement in the second European Directive on equal treatment in occupational social security schemes .
22 You see in British Steel we we have seventy thousand deferred pensioners and er it is a group of people that I feel extremely sorry for , because er in nineteen eighty-six British Steel introduced into their pension scheme while it was still in the public sector , retirement at sixty where with a pension credit spaced on length of service , so if you had thirty-five years service in , you could retire at sixty as if you were sixty-five and there was nothing done at all for deferred pensioners and in certainly our submission to British Steel for seeking improvements , we we asked that they er they look at deferred pensioner with a view to paying their pensions at sixty , recognising that it was a very high-class plane that might have to be er achieved in stages .
23 It has been established by the judgment of this court given on 3 February 1992 that by a letter to the mother , dated 23 September 1991 , the father expressed his acquiescence in the removal .
24 Clutterbuck Deane died in 1701 and within a year Mary had sold the mill to Thomas Shurmur , in whose family it was to remain for a century .
25 He 's now 41 and with a couple more deals he 'll be Britain 's youngest ever self-made billionaire .
26 's father was a warder in the old Royal Scottish Museum from 1932 to 1952 and as a boy remembers being a frequent visitor to Chambers Street .
27 He was then expelled from the party on June 30 but readmitted on July 4 and at a party congress on July 7 was re-elected as party leader by 373 votes to 179 .
28 Ader Tajan , the company in which Jacques Tajan is a partner along with auctioneers , brothers Remi and Antoine Ader , is expected to record business of FFr319 million for 1992 as against a target of FFr350 million and nearly three times as much when the market peaked in 1989 .
29 The daily Clarín reported on March 3 that under a decree signed by Menem on Feb. 26 , 1990 ( expanding an earlier decree of March 10 , 1989 , introduced after the La Tablada attack — see p. 36394 and below ) , the armed forces were entitled to intervene in the event of " a state of internal disturbance " serious enough to endanger the life , liberty , property or security of the country 's inhabitants ; with this in mind the National Security Council [ see p. 36613 ] was to draw up plans for possible joint actions by the police , the security forces and the armed forces .
30 Claiming that Panic was sacrificing Serbian interests , the Minister without Portfolio , Radmila Milentijevic , resigned on Nov. 28 , followed by Economy Minister Nikola Sainovic on Nov. 29 and by a Deputy Prime Minister , Oskar Kovac , on Nov. 30 .
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