Example sentences of "[num] [pron] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I first moved to Hackney in London 's East End as a medical student in 1971 I saw the graffito : ‘ HACKNEY — AN ASYLUM WITHOUT WALLS ’ .
2 From the age of eight I attended the Odeon in Exeter .
3 In chapter 2 I discuss the Kingman recommendations on the teaching of grammar , and describe their influence on my own Report .
4 He was blamed for being too lax a disciplinarian , and indeed for the defeat on the snap ‘ cordite ’ vote on 21 June 1895 which saw the government resign .
5 An act of parliament was passed in 1747 which returned the summer assizes to Buckingham .
6 This is most effectively encapsulated in PPG Note 12 which replaces the presumption in favour of development with one in favour of the development plan .
7 The House of Assembly approved a law on Dec. 12 which amended the Constitution in order to allow the state greater power to nationalize land ownership .
8 The attendance was a measley 16,500 which prompted the song ‘ Is that all you bring at home ? ’
9 The dual system was an anomaly based on the Ausgleich or ‘ Compromise ’ of 1867 which guaranteed the independence of both Austria and Hungary except in certain matters of common concern ( see p. 202 ) .
10 When the organisers at Palazzo Grassi , the FIAT Foundation 's Venetian exhibition space , approached the scholar Massimo Pallottino with the suggestion that he organise an exhibition on the Etruscans he expressed surprise : there have been numerous Etruscan shows in Europe since the large touring exhibition of 1955–56 , the most recent being the ‘ Progetto Etrusco ’ in 1985 which involved the whole of Italy .
11 The first , filed by The Lawyers Collective ( Bombay ) challenges the constitutionality of the Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster Act 1985 which gives the government sole right to sue on behalf of the Victims and takes away the right of individuals to go to the Supreme Court .
12 After months of wrangling , Mayor David Dinkins and the New York city council reached a budget agreement on June 30 which alleviated the city 's financial crisis by imposing deep cuts in services .
13 If they are not , then governments may well select a value for γ 2 which makes the performance of the economy worse rather than better .
14 The question is what there is about what we learnt when we learnt the rule for + 2 which makes the continuation 20,002 , 20,004 , 20,006 objectively correct , and 20,004 , 20,008 , 20,012 objectively incorrect .
15 A final method of curtailing debate arises under Standing Order No. 22 which authorises the Speaker or a chairman to stop a Member who seeks to waste the time of the House by tediously repeating himself .
16 In 1895 she left the mission to found the Esperance Working Girls ' Club with Mary Neal , and in 1897 she founded the Maison Esperance , a co-operative dressmaking business .
17 From 1893 to 1895 she visited the Church of Scotland mission in Blantyre , Nyasaland , to do linguistic work and prepare school textbooks , and Maritzburg , Natal , where she acquired Zulu and Afrikaans .
18 An example of this is the case of a lady of forty-five who attended the clinic with neuralgia which had been present for some years .
19 In 1985 she became the founder exhibitions director of Manchester 's Cornerhouse Centre ; photography being included in the programming of shows .
20 Aloysia made her debut in Vienna the same year , and in 1780 she married the court actor and painter Joseph Lange .
21 2 She raises the knee into a cocked position .
22 All 50,000 who passed the course , and a further 20,000 members of staff who are involved in the cold chain , then embarked upon a second training module to emphasise the importance of maintaining chilled and frozen foods at the correct temperature .
23 He summoned his junior , Rajiv Sengupta , a rising star of thirty-six who had the job of co-ordinating financial assistance to industry in the regions , to worry with him .
24 Thus , in Lecture 2 we discussed the extent of knowledge about the budget constraint and individual perceptions of marginal tax rates .
25 2 we discussed the strain ( intrinsic ) energy function and showed its importance in determining the relation between stress and strain in materials .
26 In 2 we examined the role of cohesive devices in creating coherence , but we also looked at their limitations .
27 In Chapter 2 we described the part played by our earliest love affairs in forming personal blueprints for living .
28 On a number of occasions the soldiers of the garrison seized wool supplies in the town when their wages were in arrears ; in 1407 they sold the wool and in 1421 the Staplers had to pay £4,000 to recover it .
29 In 1895 he entered the alkali business .
30 In April 1895 he discussed the construction of the Bat with Otto Lilienthal , the German hang-gliding pioneer , and learned a great deal about the practical problems of controlling hang-gliders in the air .
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