Example sentences of "[num] [art] [noun] had the " in BNC.

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1 Polio had been almost eradicated in Brazil , but by 1986 the country had the highest incidence of polio in Latin America because it had to cut back spending on immunization .
2 By the Act of Uniformity of 1662 the Chancellor had the right to suspend the schoolmaster on religious grounds , but it was no business of his whom the Company should appoint .
3 When Surrey tied for the Championship in 1950 the county had the makings of a great side .
4 Even in the secular legislation of Chlothar II a king had the right only of veto .
5 In 1973 the UK had the smallest dependence on EC markets of any of the nine EC members , and this was still the case ten years later .
6 For much of the 1950s and 1960s the Greeks had the fastest-growing economy and yet one of the lowest inflation rates in Europe .
7 Well the classrooms were kept clean because the school finished at er twenty past four and half past four the janitor had the cleaners , you see ?
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