Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [adj] month [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The early completion could mean that products using the 601 could be out within the 12 to 18 month timeframe .
2 Mr Ryan said it was hoped to target 12 to 24 month waiting lists and eventually no one should wait longer than a year for treatment .
3 ( What hand or eye , we may well ask , could afford to gestate such a thing for the six to nine months Shakespeare usually took to write a play ?
4 The climate and geography created specific problems and , as in Orkney , there was a 7 to 8 month winter .
5 In a sense , the Jury 's still out on the Times cos you 'd have to look at it over say a three of four month period .
6 By the end of August rainfall deficiencies of three to five months duration had become established over much of South Australia , almost all of Victoria and New South Wales , Tasmania and southern Queensland .
7 Shortly before , the dealing director had pressed a trainee dealer to offload 5,000 of these shares on a client , for a three to six month hold .
8 Compounders still had three to four months stocks of contaminated feed in the chain and this is blurring our results . ’
9 Fawehinmi , charged over a magazine article in which he accused Babangida of planning to cling to power , had already been sentenced on Jan. 5 to 12 months imprisonment for contempt of court , but had been released on bail pending an appeal .
10 The larger experiments would be preparatory to the demonstration of a thermonuclear power station elsewhere in Argentina in 6 to 8 months time .
11 Indeed , ERM entry was accompanied by confident predictions that the economy would benefit from an eight to nine months honeymoon period that would see key indicators — notably inflation and interest rates — improving in time for a general election some time in 1991 .
12 I 'll be sixty five in two months time Art , it 's time for a move , they 'll be a lot of time on my hands .
13 Legal authorities who have taken over the case have imposed a blackout on information and until their investigations are complete and the case is ready to go to trial , probably in two to three months time , no-one can say how many fakes were involved , what their real value was , nor indeed how many people worked in the ring .
14 Elsewhere , other strategies will roll out in two to three months Pyramid says , and in a years or so 's time it claims it 'll have servers capable of competing with IBM mainframe class systems .
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