Example sentences of "[num] [adj] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But all those have come out in eighteen forty three at the time of the disruption .
2 Approximately 150 monarchists gathered in the centre of Bucharest and an estimated 300 more at the capital 's Otopen airport on April 12 shouting slogans denouncing the government and supporting the King , who had been forced to abdicate in 1947 .
3 He said they may , cos it 's forty five at the moment
4 And it it really is covered by the passages in erm erm , just , I just reiterate that that that expressly referring your Lordship to it , professional duty except in so far as it may be necessary to elucidate the rules that that was at page eight hundred and forty one at the bottom and it goes over the page to eight four two and then proceeds to general proposition to those two experts ordinary witness may not may not give their opinions towards matters legal or moral obligation .
5 For it 's got forty seven at the bottom , is that the one , this one ?
6 The body of Alan Chalky White was found in lake fifty six at the Cotswold Water Park in 1989 … the same lake , it 's claimed that was used to hide the drugs.Tim Hurst reports from Winchester Crown Court .
7 Five hundred pounds and fifty , against you still at five fifty seated at five hundred and fifty , six hundred to my right six fifty at the back seven hundred pounds going on sir ?
8 The general theory of relativity provides a very precise and well-tested description of space–time within the solar system a region , however , where space–time is nearly flat , with the parameter reaching a value of only 10 -5 at the Sun 's surface .
9 A new Unix expo is on the drawing board , this one , borrowing from the original Comdex , is aimed at the reseller community : Unix Resellers , organized by Expoconsul International in Princeton , New Jersey , is scheduled for May 4–6 1993 at the Dallas Convention Centre .
10 Because there was no one at the bottom end , but they 've , they 've got all those extra people in it , it was really frightening when I look back , but the , the reason there could have been , there were er nineteen thousand at the Sunderland match but it was an all ticket game so they restricted the crowds somewhat .
11 Tadcaster is a populat has a population of around six thousand at the moment , and if the s the level of increase that is proposed were su were imposed upon Tadcaster you would be talking about a fifty percent increase in the size of the town .
12 If you remember at the end of yesterday , Mr Donson will no doubt correct me if I 'm wrong , he fige finished up , we started the day with a total guaranteed minimum of about thirty three and a half thousand , we got that up by arithmetic to thirty four point nine thousand , and I think we finished up at around thirty six thousand at the end of the day .
13 The CPR carried 3.9 million bushels of grain in 1882 ; 7.8 million bushels in 1885 ; 29.3 million bushels in 1892 ; 42.8 million at the end of the century ; and 175.5 million in 1921 .
14 And for people who are not on income support , in other words they have means higher than that , but who do receive attendance allowance , their charge will go up from eight ninety at the moment to fifteen pounds .
15 Two forty two forty now , any more at two forty , sixty , two eighty , three hundred , three twenty three twenty with me now three fifty at the back , three fifty , any more ?
16 It 's against you both , three twenty three fifty at the back three fifty standing at three hundred and fifty pounds standing at three fifty and selling for three hundred and fifty .
17 He er , he stood down as erm as a , as a er Labour councillor in , in Liverpool in Walton er ward what are we in now , nineteen ninety two in nineteen ninety or ninety one , yeah ninety one at the age of eighty six
18 Er Chairman , yes , if I may just make a couple of , of , of , of , of , comments on , on , on the report side , I , I very much welcome the report back which I think has clarified a number of areas in the inspector 's report and what the services are actually , actually are doing about this one , I think er overall it 's er it , it , it 's , it 's very , it 's very er it 's very er very useful to see er what has been done erm I , I , I , I , I 've been assured by the Chief Officer er on item , item er , item three one at the top of page two , that the operational plans being devolved to individual sch will not apply to operational activity , they will be er to separate activity within the s er sch station , erm I did raise that because I was concerned about one station saying yes we will attend the fire and another one saying we wo n't , which obviously is not appropriate er but with that caveat I , I , I , very much welcome the report , I would like to move the proposals sch standing in , in , in , in , in my name that we commend the report as well as er er what 's on the officer 's erm er , er , er recomen er the re the recommended er resolution and that we send a copy of that , this
19 At seventy five , eighty , five , ninety five ninety five at the back now , any more ?
20 Two eighty three hundred still against you three hundred pounds here on my right at three hundred , and selling for three hundre yes three twenty three twenty against you three twenty at the back and selling for three hundred and twenty pounds .
21 They were winning three nil three two at the end of it .
22 Pompey won three two at the County Ground in November and are chasing hard for promotion themselves .
23 The present texts indicate that the 70 souls of Joseph 's day had risen to two or three million at the time of the Exodus ( Numbers 1 ) and to at least five million in the time of David ( 2 Samuel 24:9 ; 1 Chronicles 21:5 ) .
24 They included 403 dead at the Amiriya shelter in Baghdad [ see p. 37984 ] : 52 children , 261 women and 90 men .
25 This is entered by deleting the three Xs at the bottom of the sub-menu and replacing them with your millimetres number , in this example 30 .
26 Leeds had about 3 to 4 thousand at the game out of a total of 11,500 .
27 is the Grafonola with some needle tins and things , Lot thirteen , twenty for them , twenty pounds at thirty pounds , anyone at twenty twenty pounds , twenty three , any more , twenty at twenty pounds any advance on twenty pounds , two , five eight , thirty thirty pounds against you , thirty five forty forty five fifty fifty five sixty sixty five seventy seventy five standing at seventy five pounds now , any more at seventy five at the back , I 'll sell at seventy five pounds .
28 Company exploration at Invergeldie , west of Comrie , located small outcrops of massive arsenopyrite up to 0.75 m thick at the contact of epidiorite sills and Dalradian metasediments ( MEG 248 ) .
29 Austerity was Britain 's peculiar reward for surviving World War II unbeaten at the cost of selling her foreign assets and taking on a crippling load of debt to the United States .
30 The growth rate of the ECP market has been impressive , growing from around $10 billion outstanding at the end of 1985 to $70 billion at the end of 1990 .
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