Example sentences of "[num] [adj] [noun] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 And there was forty two people living in .
2 There was a ‘ Refuge Rota ’ pinned by the house telephone , with six different names filled in for different times in the week .
3 Thus it may be that the exchange of old pennies for new was at a rate favourable to king and moneyers — for example , for every six old coins handed in , only five new ones might be issued .
4 In the UK alone , there are nearly 2,000 quoted companies to invest in and therefore plenty of other homes for institutional Investors cash .
5 Well he , he , they were on their way to Norwich but they stopped off at Ipswich for a lunch , you see , and er I had , I looked after them , so , so that it should n't interrupt the other girls behind the counter or , or the waiter who was looking after his regular customers in the dining room , you see , er and so I used to erm and once I had I remember there was six black doctors came in and er and I was glad because it was nice to move about and instead of sticking in the office typing and then going out all alone , you see , while the Manager was on the district , you see , I liked it and er anyway that was a long time ago .
6 But it caught on and this week around 100 young people came in to enjoy the snooker and non-alcoholic bar at their own meeting place , The Jam Pot Centre , run by the Church of the Nazarene in Lothian Road , Hartlepool .
7 Three backlist titles tie in with the television and are reissued in April .
8 And that is where the three bored blacks came in .
9 Behind him , three more gipsies crowded in through the doorway .
10 Only three perinatal deaths occurred in normally formed babies , and these were all in the group for which vaginal delivery was planned ( table ) .
11 Again the camera plane turned , and they swung to follow it ; and between them and the Line three trim shapes plunged in and out of cloud in a dive pointed at the F2B .
12 Three single women checked in yesterday .
13 Almost 35 million Americans tuned in to the first , two-hour pilot , making it the most watched TV movie of the season .
14 While the woman was bringing more beer and the bottle of Korn , three other men came in .
15 Two or three other cars came in and parked ; a couple left .
16 So we 'd get one third and then just as we were going to eat it three other people came in .
17 The oil appeared spasmodically for the next hour while three other patients came in .
18 Next , three young ladies went in together , and came back full of praise for the gipsy 's skill .
19 The unprecedented level of media attention on the Royal Family in recent months had been expected to boost the figure above last year when 21 million viewers tuned in .
20 But the fact is that gradually from the heyday of the detective story in the 1920s , " 30s and " 40s new tendencies crept in .
21 Three bright redstarts darted in and out of piles of brush wood in a clearing .
22 The last group of 850 Belgian paratroopers flown in during September to help evacuate foreigners from the country was withdrawn on Nov. 4 .
23 Approval of the loan was aided by the decision of the House of Representatives on Dec. 19 to pass legislation raising 1992 federal taxes to bring in US$12,000 million in extra revenue .
24 Quadrant Park is a great , glitzy three- storeyed chasm of a club in Bootle , which on Saturday nights becomes a suffocating fleshpit of 2,500 north-western ravers tuned in and turned on to the house sound of Merseyside .
25 Ten thousand couples joined in through a TVlink-up with five other countries .
26 Mr Chairman , if this for negotiators of these and if you look at th the papers of the budget this year , er because of conservative policies do n't improve , you have n't actually inherited about ten million pounds coming in to your budget during the year .
27 Now the 27 year-old sculptor specialises In beautifully complex human and animal forms , steeped in classical influences and burnished or weathered to make them look as if they have several lifetimes of history behind them .
28 I mean one little boy came in , and he said , What 's that sword doing on the table ?
29 He waited until the surface of the water in the bath became quite still , like a pool , like a swimming pool before the very first swimmer enters it early in the morning , and then with one quick move climbed in and lay right under the water with his eyes closed .
30 He will usually benefit from knowing that there will still be one regular wage coming in .
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