Example sentences of "[num] [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The castle changed hands many times during the Scottish Wars of Independence and remained a thorn in the crown until James V sacked it in the sixteenth century ; but before the level of the loch was raised in the 1930s ,
2 The crime rate in Liverpool/ Bootle in 1921 and 1931 was several times the rate in Manchester/ Salford , for example , but the massive increases in that area between 1938 and 1971 put it above the Liverpool area by 1971 .
3 We can calculate their relative preference for the Conservatives on the unemployment issue as C/ ( C+L+A ) , that is , as the mark given to the Conservatives expressed as a proportion of the total mark given to all three parties ( or multiplied by 100 to transform it from a proportion into a percentage ) .
4 Still , three guides out of three made it to the col between the two summits , and two out of three to the summit itself , while only one client out of 15 was present .
5 HMG 's total budget is P£4,000 per year , so maybe you should multiply all my figures by about three to see it from a minister 's perspective : the poor dears are trying to run the country on poverty-line wages .
6 So you try it with the sixes see if they work try it with the sevens try it with the eights see what works .
7 I suppose also the that the slang term was confined to the esoteric vocabulary of sailors for a hundred years , until the rise of the boffins in World War II brought it to the attention of the general public .
8 Section 25 relegates it to the margins of police practice .
9 It was also given in-depth coverage on television and radio that evening , with News at Ten running it as the lead story in the first half of the programme and coming back to it again in the second .
10 But a debt mountain of £1.4 billion brought it to the brink of collapse late last year .
11 The final stage was to return to the icon Editor and , with the count a block icon selected , repeat Step 6 to associate it with the macro BLOCKCNT.SMM .
12 Today , such a practice would not be considered particularly unusual ; in the context of 1945 it was novel , more so since the Observer had been purchased in 191 1 to keep it as a ‘ Tory organ ’ .
13 There certainly was an audience , and they paid $16.3 million to see it in the USA alone .
14 And the m th chap in sitting in the top , he 'd be turning round and the other one would be walking down slowly backwards er grabbing a rope wi to join the two to make it into a a double rope .
15 But despite the appalling conditions , most crews stayed the course and out of 72 rafts competing , 59 made it to the finish at Chepstow .
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