Example sentences of "[num] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These events were organised by the present controlling committee of IAWA which for 1992–3 has consisted of President Eva Ursprung ( from Eva and Co ) ; Lotte Hendrick , acting secretary ; with supportive assistance from Reni Hofmuller and from Eva & Co .
2 A membership of 700 had evolved in Ohio requiring an embalmer 's licence .
3 US arms negotiators were reported on Jan. 23 as having assured NATO that talks with Russian defence officials in Moscow on Jan. 14-22 had ended in agreement over the safe disposal of nuclear weapons located in the republics of the former Soviet Union .
4 So far , section 4.4 has dealt with issues which are generally familiar to sociolinguists working in British , American or European urban communities .
5 Earlier , in protests coinciding with the review , hundreds of Iraqis were reported on Dec. 2-22 to have demonstrated before UN local offices in Baghdad .
6 Sitting with Alice , drinking coffee , they told her how hundreds had marched in London against the polluting of a certain stretch of shore .
7 In January it had been announced that the country 's global trade surplus for 1991 had risen to $78,230 million , a 50 per cent increase on the $52,150 million recorded in 1990 .
8 In the Westland affair her management of Cabinet was an issue , once it emerged that staff at Number 10 had connived with Leon Brittan 's office to leak selections from a confidential letter from the Solicitor General to damage Mr Heseltine .
9 Observers doubted that such targets would be achieved ; of 158 clean-up projects ordered in January 1989 only 10 had begun by October .
10 Since 1982 , 92 foreigners had been held hostage in Lebanon and at least 10 had died in captivity .
11 Before 1242–3 Henry III had journeyed to France in order to recover his lands by military force .
12 With less extensive retirement pension or company welfare schemes , those 16 per cent of males who in 1979 had spent in excess of 20 years in one small firm paid a heavy price for their continuity of employment .
13 The Six had reverted to Schuman 's view that political union could be achieved in the long run through a sustained effort at economic integration across a broad front .
14 He has seen about 6000 patients over the years and all except six had suffered from allergies .
15 The third proposal before the EEC involved the finalisation of the financial regulations concerning the adjustment of the several national agricultures , on which the Six had agreed in principle in 1962 .
16 The Robbins Report on Higher Education published in 1963 had hinted at reform :
17 Local radio estimated that about 100 had swum to safety .
18 Mixed-traffic types such as the Brush Class 47 have fallen from favour since they inevitably entail a compromise between a high maximum speed for passenger working and a high tractive effort for freight haulage .
19 In addition , if you are delayed more than 12 hours and you have chosen to take the recommended Holiday Insurance Policy that Club 18–20 has arranged with Eagle Star , you have the right to cancel and receive a refund , or , at your preference , continue on your holiday and receive compensation of up to £65 per person .
20 And in the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten , by far the largest ‘ bourgeois ’ newspaper in the Munich area but also with much wider circulation , the 44 per cent of May and June 1940 had dropped by June and July 1941 to 29 per cent , reached 15 per cent for the period October to December 1941 , and sank to only 7 per cent by October and November 1942 .
21 By August 1963 — three months before the President 's assassination — 200,000 had marched on Washington .
22 During their stay on the plantation more than a hundred coolies in Village Number Three had died of fever and malnutrition , or had committed suicide but there had never been a death among their immediate neighbours .
23 It was not known yesterday if the three had returned to Scotland or to the Costa del Sol where they had been living before their arrest .
24 In all 13,116 had returned in January-March .
25 Rivalry between the respective leaders , Campeanu and Ratiu , who already in 1984 had competed in exile for the leadership of the World Union of Free Romanians , prevented any agreement over a joint presidential candidate .
26 Hauser 's stake , worth £102 million in May 1984 had shrunk to £11 million by March 1985 .
27 Around 52,000 people had died in car crashes in America in 1985 , North pointed out , and 130,000 had died of lung cancer ; in perspective , the hostages were nothing .
28 er three have gone from schools in the Easington area , three have gone from the Bretchill area , so that 's a total of what , twenty-one for September .
29 Of the 150 death row cases Mr Stafford Smith has been involved with during his nine-year career , only three have ended in execution .
30 Changes in family structures since 1960 have coincided with changes in housing stock .
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