Example sentences of "[num] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The 12 aligned themselves with the opposition NLF to form the United Legislature Front , thereby reducing S. C. Jamir 's Congress ( I ) ministry to a minority .
2 The castle changed hands many times during the Scottish Wars of Independence and remained a thorn in the crown until James V sacked it in the sixteenth century ; but before the level of the loch was raised in the 1930s ,
3 The crime rate in Liverpool/ Bootle in 1921 and 1931 was several times the rate in Manchester/ Salford , for example , but the massive increases in that area between 1938 and 1971 put it above the Liverpool area by 1971 .
4 His provision of seventy hides of land for Benedict 's new foundation in Wearmouth in 674 and a further forty hides for his parallel foundation in Jarrow in 681 associated him with the two houses , which were to become pre-eminent in Northumbrian monastic culture and scholarship .
5 Mann considered these objective to be so important that in January 1897 he gave up the secretaryship of the Independent Labour Party which he had held since 1894 to devote himself to the continental agitation , especially in Rotterdam , Antwerp and Hamburg , which had been started in the previous year .
6 The table of the Nations in Genesis 10 reminds us of the map of Anaximander ; the Book of Job , probably an exilic work , has often been compared with Aeschylus ' Prometheus .
7 Carrie had taken over many of Dolly 's duties at Handley Farm , with two young girls aged ten and eleven to help her in the dairy .
8 Still , three guides out of three made it to the col between the two summits , and two out of three to the summit itself , while only one client out of 15 was present .
9 ‘ My nan waited up till half past three to see us on The Chart Show , ’ says guitarist Rat shaking a tousled head .
10 ‘ My nan waited up till half past three to see us on The Chart Show , ’ says guitarist Rat shaking a tousled head .
11 They all three hunched themselves in the grass and nibbled , while the rain ran off their fur in streams .
12 Murchison recognized the boy 's ability , arranged for his entry to the Royal School of Mines , where he studied under Thomas Huxley and ( Sir ) Andrew Ramsay [ qq.v. ] , and in 1862 recruited him to the Geological Survey of Scotland .
13 So you try it with the sixes see if they work try it with the sevens try it with the eights see what works .
14 Unfortunately , there appears to be no way of choosing with any confidence amongst these dates : if 870 recommends itself on the grounds that there is relatively early authority for it , for example , the remarkable preciseness of Babinger 's unsupported date in 873 can not be ignored .
15 In order to reassure the House and the public , perhaps the Minister can explain what is the procedure when a police officer uses the powers given in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to stop someone in the street or someone driving a car .
16 Two-twenty-five found me on the steps of a slightly crumbling mansion in what the Estate Agents would call a highly desirable residential area .
17 Only after his son 's arrival at his camp did Henry II rouse himself from the passivity of the last month .
18 I suppose also the that the slang term was confined to the esoteric vocabulary of sailors for a hundred years , until the rise of the boffins in World War II brought it to the attention of the general public .
19 The arrest of the ‘ Gang of Four ’ in October 1976 eliminated them from the power struggle .
20 Erm we do n't feel you 've got to spend all that raffle prizes , erm because we do n't usually raise much more than sixty to seventy do we on the raffle ?
21 So he held firm and , after the decisive vote on paragraph 21 of chapter 3 of Lumen Gentium , noted late at night : These rather scrappy notes , jotted down late at night on 22 September 1964 take us to the heart of Paul VI , and illustrate how he saw his Petrine ministry in relation to the ministry of other bishops .
22 When temporary workers responding to the British Labour Force Survey were themselves invited to differentiate between these two groups , two-thirds placed themselves in the first category .
23 i found myself in the same place where I 'd been wounded in Easter , 1917 .
24 The other 152 expect theirs within the next fortnight .
25 F ten takes you through the document one sentence at a time so you can work your way through the document one sentence at a time .
26 Section 25 relegates it to the margins of police practice .
27 It was also given in-depth coverage on television and radio that evening , with News at Ten running it as the lead story in the first half of the programme and coming back to it again in the second .
28 But a debt mountain of £1.4 billion brought it to the brink of collapse late last year .
29 The figure I gave you about the amount of money I 've spent gives you a notion about the size of the advance , which was very generous from both Gollancz and the Americans [ Putnam ] .
30 The final stage was to return to the icon Editor and , with the count a block icon selected , repeat Step 6 to associate it with the macro BLOCKCNT.SMM .
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