Example sentences of "[num] [noun] be [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Until recently , it appeared that 300 megabytes was probably the limit of the technology but now magnetic media enthusiasts are talking about gigabytes ( thousands of megabytes ) soon becoming commercially available .
2 Thus , even portions of the SCLM rich in incompatible trace elements are unlikely to vary greatly in Os concentration or isotopic composition , so 187 Os/ 188 Os is potentially a much more useful tracer of sub-lithospheric source materials than the isotopic compositions of incompatible elements such as Sr , Nd and Pb .
3 ORDERIT for the Apple 2 microcomputer is also a very simple program .
4 The shift in age distribution from a median age at 55 years in the 1977–81 users to 63 years in the 1989–90 users is perhaps the most impostant finding of the present study .
5 The 1929 Parliament was hardly the most glorious in our history , but it was still one in which it was possible to face a major issue on its merits , and to debate with one 's own party without producing mindless noise or mockery from the other side , and by so doing to create an impact upon the general body of the House which improved — and in this instance strikingly improved — the position of the speaker with his own party .
6 Scudamore , who went on to ride a record 221 last term , said : ‘ To ride 100 winners is always a thrill .
7 I would suggest , however , that breeding 10 neons is hardly a success , as with soft water he would probably have had 100+ fry .
8 According to his press pack , the six foot six Swede is virtually a modern day Renaissance man .
9 According to a poll in early 1991 Yel'tsin was already the most important Russian leader of the twentieth century , ahead of Lenin , Bukharin and ( a long way behind but with a similar rating ) Gorbachev and Trotsky .
10 The change in market value of certificates held at 31 December is simply the product of applying accrued interest at that date .
11 Six weeks in the summer and two other holidays of three weeks are probably the average .
12 There is experimental work to show that a week or ten days may not be long enough and a fortnight to three weeks is probably the best theoretical period .
13 Those were the days when a farm worker earned about thirty shillings a week , and three pounds was quite a good wage , so it is not surprising that a Saturday afternoon at the cinema cost tuppence , and four different sweets could be bought for a penny .
14 This took place in 1810 , and though a reconciliation was arranged in 1812 things were never the same again .
15 Accurate surveying of contexts in three dimensions is clearly a major part of the excavation process .
16 The nineteen eighty two to three event was also the most comprehensibly observed so far .
17 All three exhibitions are clearly the result of a finely tuned collaboration between Michael Tooby , until recently the Mappin 's Keeper , and the 23 artists concerned .
18 None of this is to deny that the February 1960 agreement was partly a result of Khrushchev 's ‘ allowing Mikoian to make trouble for the Americans in Cuba ’ ( Bonsal : 1971 , p. 156 ) , but it is important to recognise that , whatever political considerations were involved , they were firmly backed up by a favourable set of economic circumstances .
19 The 4 oz in 80 oz is still the standard way most embalmers treat cases , but what if I tell you that the wheel has been re-invented ! — that there are a lot ( and I stress a lot ) of good embalmers out there who use 10,16 , 25 and even 40 , yes , 40 oz and 60 oz per 80 oz .
20 None the less , while standards of religious zeal and knowledge of the rudiments of the faith continued to fall well short of the aspirations of the most committed reformers , by 1603 England was undoubtedly a Protestant nation .
21 The cruise and Pershing 11 weapons are also a visible symbol of the United States ' commitment to the defence of Europe .
22 And we are left with the problem of deciding whether or not the two Elizabeths baptised on 17 October were really the same girl .
23 But the international recession , the debt crisis , and the protectionist reaction to the NICs ' success raised doubts about whether the 1970s strategy is still the best .
24 In 1183 Mercadier was just the commander of yet another of the bands of routiers which were busily spreading havoc in the southern Limousin , but in the next fifteen years he became the most famous professional soldier in Europe .
25 But 240–200 B.C. were exactly the years in which Greek epics , tragedy , comedy and historiography became part of the Roman way of life .
26 The Type 11 system is basically a system of retrospective or prospective reimbursement , and is thus very similar to an insurance-based system or to systems such as the American Medicare payments system , where the insurance company , or the state , reimburses the hospital ( provider ) for care supplied . [ … ]
27 The game in hand is always the most important and the euphoria that surrounded the result on 6 February is now a thing of the past .
28 But 50 years is just a fleeting instant , and it would be a major coincidence if another civilization were so closely in step with us .
29 Now in this respect , of course , twenty-five years is rather a short time in the life of a university , and a good deal of this time has been spent in building up a research base , and now , as you mentioned in your erm remarks a few moments ago , Andrew , we have an enviable research record in a very wide range of disciplines .
30 The ten commandments are just a myth it carries no more force whatsoever .
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