Example sentences of "[num] [noun] i [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the next three hours I witness a surreal nightmare of racing fire engines , caravans of police cars with blue and red lights flashing , a few looting bands , but mostly residents in bathrobes and curlers , gathered in silence to watch corner markets go up in smoke .
2 And in the space of three weeks I think the baby 's used up all her fat because she 's now just really , really pregnant .
3 If I go to the market to buy a dozen eggs I pay the full price there and then .
4 You 've got a dozen items I want a dozen items
5 In that ninety seconds I want every one of the 13 million viewers to concentrate on the speaker — not on someone else scratching their nose in the background .
6 Erm resolution eight er , set out in the notice of the meeting to increase the aggregate annual sum available for directors ' fees to two hundred and fifty thousand pounds I put the resolution to the meeting those in favour any against I declare the resolution carried as an ordinary re resolution .
7 If I had to describe the contents of Zettel as the answer to one question I think the question would have to be : What is the relevance , for our understanding of ‘ psychological ’ concepts such as understanding , thinking , expecting , intending , imagining , seeing , dreaming , knowing , believing , doubting , pretending , remembering , and feeling , of that account of meaning which distinguishes the later from the earlier writings of Wittgenstein ?
8 One evening I hear the sounds of a bird in distress , and thinking our cat had seized yet another victim I dashed outside to try to rescue the unfortunate creature .
9 Before she went to Navron she told Harry she felt like the well fed birds that could only fly about in their cage , but ‘ one day I set a linnet free which flew straight out of my hand towards the sun . ’
10 One day I have a lie in I mean I know I do n't lay in there no more than eight
11 Moderator four five nine Moderator I welcome the number two in the deliverance but I would make a plea to the er panel that this leaflet be a very simple leaflet and it not be brief , but in fact be quite lengthy .
12 Oswald has been chairman of the Darlington Brown Trout Angling Association for 38 years , and jokes : ‘ On the one hand I catch a fish then put it back into the water .
13 Onto one line I tie a size 2 , straight-eyed , forged hook , which has been carefully honed with a fine carborundum stone to razor sharpness , and the barb reduced to a bare minimum so as not to impeded penetration but still retain a degree of holding power .
14 And this is one end I have the power to bring about . ’
15 After two minutes I believe the butcher would have followed her out of the shop had she beckoned him .
16 For two months I read no magazine or even newspaper review column .
17 In the unlikely event of an alternative Administration being returned to power and seeking to get talks started , on the basis of my experience over the past two years I wish the hon. Gentleman well .
18 He just cracks up , I tell you what I can sit there two things I like no three .
19 From my smitten heart with tears Two wonders I confess The wonder of His glorious love And my own sinfulness .
20 Er it sort of goes in four ways I mean the fathers talk more directly than the mothers whether or not it 's a boy or a girl they 're talking to .
21 As the speed builds through 200 knots I feel the increased pitch sensitivity , my bottom lifting from the parachute pack as I press the twin pitots on this tiny nose further towards the gleaming layer of snowy stratocumulus below .
22 I 'll go straight into er item two A I think the first thing the County Council would would wish to say this erm examination is that er today we are really seeing the culmination of I suspect er ten year work erm in Greater York by the Greater York authority and a particularly intensive period of work over the last five years , er by the Greater York authorities , the paper that I put round N Y five the matter two A really addresses the history and why we reached the conclusions corporately that we have and as all as we 've already indicated erm progress was able to be made when the Secretary of State included a Greater York er dimension erm into the er into the structure plan in a the first alteration , erm and that enabled a body of work to be undertaken by the Greater York authority , and I think I ought to say at this point that the Greater York authority comprises of the County Council er and five District Councils , and there you have six different councils , all with an interest in the future of Greater York , sitting down together , trying to sort out the way in which the future of Greater York erm ought ought to be developed , and the means they did it did that of course was through the Greater York study , which began in nineteen eighty eight and started off immediately with a study of forty , fifty development , potential development sites , erm in and around er er Greater York which produced a report , as I said in on page three of the of N Y five , around about April nineteen eighty nine , the conclusions of which were quite clearly unacceptable to erm members of the Greater York authority , because they saw quite clearly , and they were supported by the public in this , that to continue peripheral development , which had been the pattern of development in the Greater York area , erm certainly through the sixties and seventies er was unacceptable in terms of its impact on settlements , and particularly er its impact erm on erm erm the York greenbelt which still at that stage erm had yet to be made statutory , and that was again one of the main stimuli to making progress , the need to s formally define er the York greenbelt .
23 that er I , two insurances I take the money in every month
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