Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [vb past] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 In their last financial years , only 39 FT-SE 100 companies ' audit fees increased above the rate of inflation ; 25 companies ' audit fees were cut from 1990 to 1991 ; 30 companies paid the same amount ; and the fees of six increased at a level below the rate of inflation .
2 When the return match was fought six weeks later , more than 10,000 spectators watched the same result at Third Lanark football club 's ground .
3 One group took the same path as the sea slugs did in more recent times and lost their shells altogether .
4 One set wore the same number of rings , another shared the curious habit of flushing the lavatory before using it while others married on the same day , had the same jobs and had spouses of the same name .
5 But always one face remained the same .
6 Yet the transmission of precious substances in the form of jewellery or other objects of display has at all times and most notably during the last five millennia served the same purpose the world over , that of signalling and enhancing status .
7 In addition , Atkinson and Egeth ( 1973 ) found that responses were faster for the left visual field on a matching task in which subjects had to indicate whether or not two lines showed the same orientation .
8 For statement pairs containing a negative , sorting was faster when the two statements meant something different than it was when the two statements meant the same .
9 If space and time were properties of things in themselves , he argued , then if two things had the same properties , there would be no means of telling them apart , and Leibniz 's " principle of indiscernibles " would hold true .
10 The following points were all made individually — of the seven who responded to this section , no two people had the same view on what was least useful .
11 than to decide that the following two sentences had the same meaning :
12 The two men shared the same business address in Essex Street , and were joint founders of a number of periodicals , including the Critic and the Field .
13 These two men did the same sort of job .
14 Chola reached up to the arch above the doorway add seven times made the same imprint with the pad of her thumb on to seven discs of semi-dried cow-dung .
15 Our data were subject to several constraints : a far lower response rate from probation officers in the second survey ; the effects of changes in agency policies and practices during the two survey years ( e.g. medics ' notifying practices , police detection efforts/successes ) ; the ‘ loss ’ of some users identified in the first survey , and of some new users , to institutions and agencies not covered by the research ( e.g. custody , rehabilitation units , drug agencies in adjacent areas ) ; disillusionment with some agencies among heroin users ( particularly medical services ) , which may have produced a higher ratio of unknown to known users than in the previous year ; the optimistic assumption of 20 per cent annual outcidence-for instance , one review of follow-up studies of opioid users suggests that outcidence after one year is typically around 10 per cent , and may only reach 40–50 per cent after ten years , even for those who have received ‘ treatment ’ ( Home Office 1986 , ch. 7 ) ; and the decline in the size of the youth population , due largely to the drop in the birth rate during the 1960s-that is , the absolute number of known heroin users could decrease while the rate per 1,000 youths remained the same or even increased ( the population figures from which our prevalence rates were calculated derived from 1981 Census statistics , and do not take into account projected trends ) .
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