Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was a particularly important assumption in that many lenders , forced by deregulation of financial markets to fight for business , offered borrowers loans at multiples of three or even three-and-a-half times their gross salary .
2 Trees such as poplars , elms , limes and oaks account for much shrinkage in soil and should not be closer to the building than 1.5 times their own height .
3 So , if you take out £7,500 over 180 months your monthly repayment at APR 21.5% variable will be £129.96 — and the total amount payable £23,392.80 .
4 Johnson & Johnson in Canada is currently making sanitary towels out of the stuff ( peat moss soaks up 12 times its own weight of liquid ) .
5 For the last 30 years his zany humour has shown beginner readers that books can be fun .
6 The British Wind Energy Association is concerned that new wind projects total only six and that the 30 megawatts which these turbines would contribute to the national grid is " embarrassingly small " in comparison with Denmark , the Netherlands and Spain .
7 For her last forty years her close companion was Dr Octavia Wilberforce .
8 On 22 Rabi I 823/6 April 1420 , Molla Fenari departed from Cairo for the Ottoman lands , accompanied by his son-in-law ( ? — sihr ) , Shaykh Ahmad b .
9 With five finals and two wins in the last 12 years their robust blend of youth and experience loooks a potent mix .
10 The ways in which heads reported to governors before the 1980 Education Act , when there was less community representation , and after the 1986 Act which required governors to report to annual parent meetings ( and for which the reports were largely written by heads ) , differ from the task after the Education Reform Act .
11 A Middlesbrough schoolboy ran away from home and spent three nights sleeping rough when he opened his parents ' quarterly phone bill and found his conversations had sent it soaring to over six times its usual amount .
12 First , the energy budget of predators is said to decrease with increasing weight , so that lions require ten times their own weight , whereas shrews require 100 times their own weight .
13 Before the 1979 election her public relations adviser , Gordon Reece , coached her to lower her voice , speak slowly , and present a ‘ soft ’ image and tried to arrange television interviews with relatively non-aggressive interviewers .
14 It is remarkable that two out of the three patients here described are children under the age of 10 years whose grievous sufferings commenced almost with their birth and would in all probability have continued to their death had not this infirmary been established . ’
15 It has been noticed that the six figures whose naked torsos are seen all show an extra horizontal line in the abdominal muscles , a feature which does not occur in the Niobid picture or elsewhere in the painter 's work .
16 It is obvious from his writings that Battuta was most impressed by what was to be for eight years his adopted city .
17 Er the pay eight point nought five percent so that 's a total contribution of fourteen point O five percent to the er scheme .
18 Sberbank has asked the government to give each depositor cash equal to three times his deposit on January 1st 1992 , as well as a ten-year bond worth 21 times his average deposit in 1992 .
19 In the upper levels of the hills the occasional pools had grown to three times their normal size , and turned every bowl of rushy upland into marsh , where the army laboured perilously for every half-mile of painful progress .
20 And since it is generally recognised that managers cost their companies at least three times their annual salary , the scope for cost-saving is enormous .
21 Grand Trunk shares traded at around three times their nominal value .
22 Three paintings fetched three times their expected price , going for over a hundred thousand pounds .
23 Houck had personally followed the histories of two reactors in Missouri ( Callaway ) and Kansas ( Wolf Creek ) which were prototypes for Hinkley C. Both had cost three times their original budget — $3 billion apiece — and had been plagued with teething problems in their first few years of operation .
24 Heads of government of CIS member states , meeting in Moscow on Feb. 8 , signed five documents on economic matters , including a five-year agreement on the free transit of goods between CIS states , a ban on the re-export to third states of goods traded between CIS states for domestic consumption , and steep increases in freight and passenger rail costs , to , respectively , 8.3 and three times their end-1991 levels .
25 With 1,465 golf courses now in operation and planning approval granted for 762 more , the heyday of farmers selling their land for three times its agricultural value may be past .
26 Her head was three times its normal size , one huge , crusty , black blister , her eyes like two slit tennis balls , and the lower half of her face seemed to have no features at all except enormous fat black lips that covered her nostrils and chin .
27 With this award the Programme will be expanded to more than three times its present size and become one of the University 's most important academic developments .
28 The storage area for raw materials , packaging and finished products is also being increased , by three times its present size , greatly reducing our reliance on external warehousing .
29 He also acquired an oak cupboard with linenfold panels of the same period made in Picardy for FFr380,000 ( £39,500 ; $68,730 ) , more than three times its low estimate and said after the sale only those unexpectedly high prices had prevented him from going for more .
30 Leave until it rises to three times its initial volume , then cook in a preheated oven ( 220C/425F/Gas 7 ) for 30 mins .
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