Example sentences of "[vb base] to make the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I want to make the volume of the space tangible , so that it is understood immediately , physically , by your body ; not that the sculpture is a body in relation to your body , but that the volume , through the placement of the two sculptural elements , becomes manifest in a way that allows you to experience it as a whole .
2 New forms of conventional weapons stemming from advances in chip-based micro-electronics and in software engineering at first sight appear to make the goal of a less nuclear-dependent posture for the defence of Western Europe strategically feasible and economically affordable .
3 Tomorrow , Oxfordshire 's , Debbie Stock and Janet Goodman hope to make the side against Ireland who 're on a roll after beating Denmark in Oxford earlier this week .
4 About half a millimetre behind the tip , the cells in the core become denser and begin to make the cartilage of the first element in the limb , the humerus .
5 Remember to make the shape of your mount echo that of the letter you are designing — for example , if you want to create a capital I , it will fit far better in a long , thin , rectangular mount , say 22.5 × 15cm ( 9 × 6in ) , with an aperture 5cm ( 2in ) smaller all round , than a circular frame or mount .
6 Who , though , are the hot twentysomethings set to make the running in the British theatre in the next century ?
7 Never attempt to make the holes in the cement mortar .
8 It has been a special joy in recent times to see the growth in the church of a truly global mission concern , and we look to your continued support as we try to make the challenge of Mission in its fullest sense the emphasis at this year 's Assembly , and beyond .
9 Those qualified chartered accountants who fail to make the grade within their own firms and become available on the market will be few and far between and , because of the large firm culture , may be less suited to smaller firms or industry and commerce .
10 I nearly always start to make the chair at the back seat rail , for the simple reason that it is usually , but not always , the component that has right-angled joints , even when every other part of the chair is angled or curved .
11 Using words in many different contexts , graded and supplementary readers help to make the meaning of vocabulary items clearer , more specific and more complete .
12 Naturally we will exercise discretion , but we wish to make the sharing of information normal , rather than leaving it up to the client to make the case for access .
13 He had called for Doyle , and Doyle had turned the clock back , and come to make the arrest in person .
14 But even if he did save his electronic jottings , would they be readable by the end of his lifetime , or would magnetic deterioration plus hardware and software obsolescence combine to make the efforts of retaining the file futile ?
15 ‘ Those countries therefore have to make the leap from the command economy to the market economy , from the single party state to pluralism .
16 You will , at times , have to make the consequences of undesirable behaviour costly for the child .
17 Yet all couples have to make the break from home , emotionally if not physically , if they are to be free to make a marriage work .
18 But , all of us know that we have to make the effort at prayer .
19 I think I have to make the point to you that we are planning to roughly double the size of the er airforce equipment programme er between now and the end of the century , a very substantial chunk of that is E F two thousand and its er associated weapon systems and , you know , one has to frankly , take er a view on priorities er in the light of the strategic requirement and given the er extent of the threat as we see it , the possibility of using er of taking part in out of area operations in coalitions , that kind of thing , that was the judgement we took er the medium term priorities were such that we could n't afford the first er stage of A M S A M.
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