Example sentences of "[vb base] off in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The best and longest-lasting tans are acquired slowly — quick tans are usually fast burns and peel off in a trice .
2 and fly off in a shower , airily
3 Workers observing it and about to leave on their own foraging , immediately fly off in the direction indicated .
4 THE HARD ONS , raucous Australians on Vinyl Solution , stop off in the UK on their European tour visiting Birmingham Barrel Organ
5 Twenty golfers teed off in the Rex Newsam Memorial Trophy golf outing at Ganstead Park — and when the scores were counted , Paul Robinson was the winner .
6 A group of them , maybe as many as half a dozen , will slowly get to their feet from where they have been lying with the rest of the pride and , leaving the cubs and the males behind , walk off in a fashion which , although leisurely , has a grimly purposeful air .
7 Also , with healthy deciduous trees , the leaves all come with great show every Spring and die off in the Autumn — but more come each successive year cos the tree has grown a bit so the foliage is thicker , more complex in structure — until it dies of course .
8 There , where the sea floor suddenly drops to three thousand feet and more , they dive down to about 1400 feet and swim off in a southwest direction .
9 Then I run off in a storm to see an astrologer .
10 Had too many good notions run off in the night
11 JOIN our prize trail and drive off in a brand new SEAT Ibiza 1.2 SLXi !
12 As the law stands , it is possible for a teenager to pass a driving test on his 17th birthday — and drive off in a 150mph Ford Sierra or a Mercedes sports .
13 Quite coherent and certain he saw his dad make a phone call from the instrument in the hall and then drive off in the car .
14 These are n't things you get off in a hurry , so I try and remain calm , although suddenly I 'm pretty certain I 've got one on my chest .
15 Just after nine we set off in a taxi and dropped Rozanov off outside his embassy in Kensington Gardens .
16 When people set off in a boat to prove whether the Earth was round , they did not fall off so that proves that the Earth is flat , but people just say it is round .
17 TWO boozy pals were caught by astonished police after they set off in a car — with BOTH of them driving .
18 On one day during the test , I set off in a whiteout and finished , 12 hours later , in a torrential downpour .
19 1.05pm — Having left Tony and his Mum at his appointment , I set off in the direction of the A4 .
20 Bridget murmured as they set off in the direction of Geoffrey 's rooms .
21 On a voyage to Kuwait , perhaps to Ahmadi or Khafji , the drill was to pass the Strait of Hormuz in darkness , travelling straight across to Dubai , anchor for the following day and then set off in the evening to take up position off Das Island .
22 We set off in the sunshine and quickly reached Snake Pass
23 We all set off in the car to see a lawyer .
24 I set off in the van to ask on imported cereal intake if he 's seen it .
25 I met Mr Coary and Mr Rafter of the sewing-machine shop , and once the back-slapping was over , I set off in the manager 's car for my new lodgings .
26 Storm off in a huff .
27 It reproduces by releasing single-celled spores which drift off in the sea and grow into new plants .
28 Five minutes after letting the freelined bait drift off in the tide the big shark struck .
29 Sometimes a little block of five or six men would detach itself from the larger mass and drift off in the direction of the track .
30 You do n't have to remember any words or facts or anything difficult like that — you just go off in a sort of coma and think how wonderful you are .
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