Example sentences of "[vb base] to do in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is published by the Law Society and lists all firms and organisations employing trainee solicitors by region and by specialism so you can find the firm offering the kind of work you want to do in the area you want to live .
2 Now what you want to do in the privacy of your own home in terms of art is one thing , but if I 'm using public money I really need to be able to justify it .
3 Have they got any ideas about what they want to do in the future ?
4 In addition what we 're actually doing is we 're building in this new fin financial planning guide which gives you the opportunity to just look at where you are just now and where you want to do in the future .
5 Yeah must be really good the thing that I really want to do in the Christmas holiday is go-carting
6 They may need to reorganize because of demography — that 's the number of pupils that are in a particular area , where you 've got too many schools , or it may be that they want to change the type of offer , such as some of us want to do in the City of Oxford .
7 This is what I try to do in the Library , and I 've had very good feedback from outside users .
8 There is talk of setting up a ‘ proud to be perverted ’ pressure group along the lines of Act Up ) , ( perhaps they should call it Strapped Up ) , which will campaign around the issue of consent , the idea that whatever two adults agree to do in the privacy of their own homes is no concern of the courts .
9 They give little thought to , what they have to do in a day and how long each task may take .
10 The objective helps you to be clear about what you have to do in a bid to get it to come true .
11 For the rest , a great deal of what you have to do in the detective novel will be much what the writer of the blueprint story had to do , though in each department there will be modifications .
12 Well , I suppose I must play your game briefly : it 's what you have to do in the courts .
13 Cutting through pages of storyline and technical specifications , you eventually find out what you have to do in the game .
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