Example sentences of "[vb base] to do [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If I have to disappear , I want to do so in comfort .
2 Those that study the informal aspects of organisations tend to do so from perspectives drawn from the social sciences , particularly sociology and psychology .
3 And when you come down , remember to do so with dignity , so that Dom João will not be thinking that he is betrothed to a tinker 's daughter . "
4 if you 've , you 've not already opted for individual er taxation er and you decide to do so after retirement how , how do I go about doing that , I mean does , does i if I invest er a lump sum in my wife 's name , we 've got to have opted for individual
5 If two groups have different perspectives , then , in so far as they are able to create the world , they naturally attempt to do so in accordance with their own perspective , or ‘ habitus ’ .
6 Those who sleep less sometimes claim to do so by choice , self-righteously accusing everyone else of being idle who spend more than six hours in bed .
7 For example , you may decide that you need to do more on listening .
8 I think I need to do more with people — in depth , rather than keeping the bubble in the air at frothy chat-show level , ’ she explains .
9 remember there is no obligation to tell anyone ; but you may decide that you need to do so in order to obtain their support , or access to certain facilities .
10 You have to do right by people . ’
11 sort of , the things that they have to do apart from fighting crime !
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