Example sentences of "[vb base] always [vb pp] [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Actually , I 've always made it a rule never to get drunk before going on stage .
2 Er and she said I 'll ring you ag I said oh dear someone now coming to the door , she said , never mind I 'll ring you on Saturday , so I said alright and er and she lives at Wyndham , Norfolk , my husband 's niece and erm , you see , and then there 's the other one and she said , auntie you 're always so cheerful , I said , well I try to be cheerful because like everybody else I get a little depressed sometimes because , you see , I have no sisters and brothers , I have three elderly cousins who live away and who I , who I see , one was here a fortnight ago er er er my cousin and his wife er , you see , it will be on a Wednesday , a fortnight today , no Thursday , yes , you see , a fortnight ago and they said , we 'll come again an we 've always bought you a bunch of daffodils so we shall come again when the daffodils are and er and they bring me over bits and pieces because er she was a cook and they bring me something nice to eat
3 She said teasingly : ‘ I 've always considered them a little on the small side myself .
4 Thank you very much , I can only say that I have always felt it a privilege to be part of N C V O. Er , I have enjoyed my time enormously and if I 've had any role that I feel that I 'm proud of , it 's constantly bringing members to mind .
5 The YCCC have always made it a policy to celebrate after each of their victories in the six-year ( continuing ) battle with the tannery , the city officials , and the Federal and State monitoring agencies .
6 When investigating an alleged miscarriage of justice , I have always made it a rule first to talk to the convicted man 's trial solicitor as he is likely to be the last man his client would wish to con , or would succeed in conning ii he tried .
7 I have always found it a great advantage to loathe my political opponents .
8 Personally , I have always thought it a great mistake to expect young people to be interested in politics .
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