Example sentences of "[vb base] into [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They slip into the shadows of the treacherous world of drug dealing and end up being swallowed up by the lifestyle they are out to eradicate .
2 Many readers , I suspect , will fall by the wayside as we descend into the realms of indigestible rhetorical terminology .
3 Individuals may feel happier if they have a clearly specified job within the organisation and know exactly where they fit into the workings of the organisation .
4 Now write down two more possible methods making sure that they fit into the criteria of
5 It is really like putting a deco card into the card holder on the Duo 80 so that the little teeth fit into the holes of the card .
6 He had a great genius , first of all , for making a kind of recitative fit into the characteristics of his aria style .
7 Cut the rubber seals to size and press into the slots in the seal carriers .
8 The Scots pine allows a wealth of wildlife to exist in and under its branches , and it does n't poke you in the bottom like a sitka if you nip into the woods for a pooh .
9 Research is still patchy in this field , and particularly research into the lives of disabled children living in residential accommodation .
10 The further we research into the intricacies of the human genes , the closer we come to the possibility of refashioning human biological existence .
11 Hardly a title to conjure up visions of wild youthful abandonment , ‘ Heaven Knows … ’ pushed The Smiths further into the badlands of bedsit squalor , a Godsend for those who could n't stomach the effortless polish of Sade .
12 ( Overleaf ) Whistling teal , or tree duck , and their l–rood of chicks apparently sail into the jaws of death .
13 Rocks and plants project into the pictures from the top as well as from the bottom , rather like stalactites and stalagmites in a cave .
14 Er in my opinion at this particular time we must bear in mind the financial constraints that we work under and er would the board agree with me that erm survival comes first yes but it 's obvious that the programme that we 've er had put forward is a good compromise between preferred in the arts , maintaining the theatre as a viable proposition and er entertaining the people of this particular part of the world because as I understand it this theatre was not just the artist also an entertainment centre and it 's in this area that er it 's quite obvious when you look into the figures on this area the popular area that the majority income comes so you 'll have to make a compromise and I will congratulate the board on what I think is pretty reasonable compromise so it 's quite obvious in the programme .
15 Some snatch of verse from a Jacobean tragedy flashed through his mind : ‘ When I look into the fishponds in my garden , methinks I see a thing , armed with a rake , that seems to strike at me . ’
16 More feels this presence of the past when ‘ we look into the eyes of love ’ and obtain ‘ for one supercelestial moment — the glimpse of a reality never before imagined , and never again to be revealed ’ .
17 Look into the possibilities in your organization for using new technology to help you gain better control of your time .
18 I run into the arms of Andy 's parents walking with the dogs near the ornamental ponds and it seems like an age before I can tell them what 's happened because my voice wo n't work and I can see the fear in their eyes and they 're asking , ‘ Where is Andrew ?
19 Peer into the cabins of a 19th Century Whaling ship .
20 The sight of this monstrous altar inspires acts of heroic bravery by the forces of the Empire , and strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies .
21 If you try to think of it as a closed totality you get into the problems of historicism ; if you try to think of it as entirely differentiated , then it becomes meaningless since there is no necessary connection , positive or negative , to anything else , nor would any one history produce any effect on another .
22 After all , he and I will be practically inseparable after tonight — to help us really get into the skins of our stage characters . ’
23 Information is gained from observing the family in the session as well as asking questions that probe into the relationships with the family .
24 In the Dragons Trilogy , created with Theatre Repère and last seen at the Riverside Studios , two Chinese sisters disappear into the bowels of ancient China , buried under a car park in contemporary Canada .
25 Hatched-out chicks , shapeless bundles of woolly white down , are fed regurgitated food from crops ; small heads disappear into the gapes of parent birds .
26 But it fish be your fancy , then delve into the depths of three fresh water ponds and view their recreated natural habitats , a once in a lifetime opportunity .
27 All morning she had been watching low-slung , sharp-nosed cars complete several circuits , then draw into the pits to be set upon by swarms of mechanics and subjected to intensive fine-tuning .
28 Animal programmes force us to look at our fears : we stare into the eyes of the enemy ( bats , rats , snakes , sharks , wasps ) .
29 The Trummelbach Falls are nearby , spectacular waterfalls which plunge into the depths of the mountain .
30 Swollen , inflamed parotids ; sub-mandibular glands too — they may be stony hard with a sensation of tension or pressure around them ; pains often shoot into the ears on swallowing ; dry rough throat with difficulty swallowing especially hot things ; pale face and skin .
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