Example sentences of "[vb base] them [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He could double and halve small numbers , decompose the calculation into components and recombine them to find the solution .
2 Those too have been doubled and we are we trust them to appoint the magistrates upon whom we praise such responsibility and on whom we shall have such great praise .
3 You want them to enjoy the books that imagination and curiosity thrive on .
4 I want them to share the Person who has filled my life with such abundance .
5 We want them to have the choice of hearing more about the world — Europe , South East Asia , the developing world .
6 We want them to make the choices we would have made .
7 He said of his team : ‘ I want them to win the FA Cup for a start .
8 To tell these in their own right and expect them to retain the charm they got from their larger setting would be a terrible error , an error to which Tolkien would be more sensitive than any man alive .
9 ‘ They are saying to the council that they 've got to listen to how their employees and the public feel , and not to impose the cuts of central government on their workers and expect them to carry the consequences . ’
10 He said : ‘ The Tories have slashed the value of their houses — but still expect them to pay the council tax as if nothing has happened .
11 for through running and persuade them to use the spur as a terminal stub .
12 She dearly wanted to see her family and persuade them to forget the ill-feeling that had split the Corosini apart .
13 Like advertisements , window displays aim to attract the customers ' attention and persuade them to enter the shop and buy .
14 You start out with good intentions , helping with the homework , making it fun : you lay out the chocolate drops on the giant musical stave and challenge them to find the note ‘ B ’ and eat it : you run supportively alongside the wobbling bicycle , getting your ankles chewed up by sharp pedals .
15 The people who add value are all around us , we 've got to find them and empower them to drive the changes which will make ICI a stronger player in all its businesses .
16 Sober reflection would have shown him that the sensible procedure would have been to phone the police and get them to ask the Bomb Disposal Squad to come and check the bag out .
17 Encourage these drug lords to stop the drug traffic and get them to use the money constructively .
18 We had to get people round the table and get them to speak to one another and get them to share the cost .
19 ‘ Get to the hall — tell them what has happened , and get them to secure the Manse .
20 ‘ You can live quite cheaply in Miami , so once you 're out there on one job , you can contact other UK clients and get them to send the gear over and keep you busy for a few weeks .
21 We wanted to break the dreadful sex magazine mafia , allow people to buy what they wanted and maybe get them to understand the plumbing of sex .
22 ‘ Just tell them to open the doors and get out of the way . ’
23 Tell them to lower the drawbridge , Joanna . ’
24 If Mr Moynihan is keen to hang on to his job he should get on to FIFA now and tell them to make the booking .
25 ln practice participation may mean ( a ) ‘ doing a public relations job to placate the staff and ( b ) ‘ once that is done train them to use the system ’ .
26 Please give a big build-up to your class members and encourage them to visit the exhibition bringing along families and friends .
27 ‘ Many create bitterness among couples and encourage them to escalate the war . ’
28 Quite a few come directly from carers and we advise them to have the sufferer assessed by a consultant so a proper diagnosis is obtained .
29 It is important to use the whole of your hands ; allow them to mould the contours of your partner 's body as if you were sculpting clay .
30 Well yesterday we actually went to a school and you show them how to use with a condom demonstrator and allow them to touch the condoms , and in youth clubs you allow them to do practically anything with them , as long as they 're returned , they can blow them up , or they can
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