Example sentences of "[vb base] out [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sometimes I 'm in such a tearing hurry I just grab a nappy and bottle on the run as I head out of the door . ’
2 I open the throttle a bit and head out into the sound , where the tide flows strongly and it is a favoured feeding place for auks .
3 Connelly 's haunting , purposeful vocals seep out of the cut at strange angles , spoken rather than sung , whilst the melody is bolstered by seductive female whispers that gently flit past , all knotted together over a boomy bass laden communication .
4 But there was n't normally storage problems , normally had spare , seep out of the ground in , so we 'll be alright .
5 When safely across the river , remembering of course to unclip your lifeline , take off the safety helmet , undo your life jacket , and slip out of the survival suit , the route passes beneath the splendid waterfall and starts to climb up to An Gearanach , not marked by name on the ordnance survey map .
6 ‘ When it 's light I 'll get up quietly and slip out of the boat .
7 Half way down he heard a commotion below and quickened his heavy step in time to see , as he turned the last bend in the staircase , a slight figure slip out through the iron gate at the main entrance .
8 Although flying fish leap out of the water they do not porpoise but glide , using their pectoral fins as aerodynamic surfaces .
9 When they reach the base of the cliff they leap out of the waves , scrabbling for a foothold and not stopping until they are well out of reach of the sea .
10 If you have any choice in the matter , try to do this on the south-facing side , and as the bud will grow out to the south , rows should lie east-west , so that the shoots grow out into the row space , and not into each other .
11 The best ideas grow out of the product and are intimately linked with it .
12 Classes and private property grow out of the family and together these various factors lead to the break-up of the gens .
13 They 're better than lamp posts and that , cos trees grow out of the ground , so they 're extra special like .
14 Its nostrils are placed at the ends of two extremities that grow out from the side of its head .
15 The boughs grow out from the trunk at nearly the same angle throughout the life of the tree and the sapling can be regarded as a geometrical model of the fully grown tree .
16 Just as Howard is scraping the last spoonful of apple crumble out of the bowl , a thought strikes him .
17 Two discias , D. cordata , ‘ Ruby field ’ and D. stachyoïdes sprawl out over the gravel .
18 Places of Interest Those maddening corners that defeat you — nooks and niches that are too small or too narrow for making a bed or border — cry out for the sort of tubs , urns or vases that will change them from cinderellas into ball-gowned beauties .
19 They cry out for the magic of the modern movies .
20 Oh I do n't see why you just sleep out in the garden or something
21 You fly out on the Sunday evening , six thirty .
22 Sure enough , a couple of rock doves fly out of the crack with a clatter of wings , and we can see a scarcely fledged youngster perched on a ledge in the gloom of the sea-cave .
23 His hobby was breeding bees and one day he brought them in in a glass cabinet and he was saying , ‘ These are the workers and this is the queen bee , and they fly out of the window and come back with pollen and they make honey . ’
24 But while there 's no shortage of advice about what our children should eat , when it comes to the day-to-day grind of feeding a family , many a frazzled mother 's good intentions fly out of the window .
25 The tickover burbles and barks , but blip the throttle and the whole car twists with the torque reaction and the birds fly out of the trees .
26 When I fly out from the nest over the moors to its great and awesome cliff and gyre on the winds out over the sea then can I call myself a Wrath eagle . ’
27 Sharp icicles fly out from the caster 's hand and strike the first unit or model in their path .
28 Decide what you want out of the interview
29 If you yourself do not know what you want out of the meeting you can hardly be surprised if the person you are dealing with does not respond in a satisfactory way .
30 ‘ We have to listen to what they want out of the Association .
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