Example sentences of "[vb base] out [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Within weeks , I was features editor , had met Bon Jovi , grown my shifty Morrissey quiff out and got on the Music For Nations mailing list forever .
2 Some gu out an fight fe it
3 Timbers affected by wet rot need only to be dried out , or cut out and replaced with sound timbers , and so long as the source of wetting is removed and air allowed to circulate , the rot will not recur .
4 Glue the fabric for the bow on to a small piece of card , cut out and attach to the bear 's neck by gluing the centre of the bow only .
5 Position a small blob of red icing on the face for a nose , and cut out and press on a smily mouth .
6 Colour a little remaining fondant red , and cut out and press on a numeral for the rocket .
7 Complete the coupon , cut out and send to Good Housekeeping , PO Box 50 , FREEPOST , Bromley , Kent BR2 9TT .
8 Cut out and send with your entry to Mr Greg Rigby , Managing Director , Pendle Consultants Ltd , Pendle House , Long Preston , North Yorks BD23 4PU ( 072 94615 ) to reach him not later than Monday October 16 .
9 Cut out and glue to the back of the ring .
10 You either stand up and walk out and go to a different class , or you join in .
11 Whether to do the sensible thing — chicken out and run for shelter from the bitter blast of the elements ?
12 The eggs hatch and the young tadpoles develop within the froth until , at the appropriate time , the lower part liquefies and the tadpoles drop out and fall into the water below .
13 If I 've a complicated feature to write , or a problem to solve , I usually duck out and go for a run .
14 ‘ It 's A Game ’ , ‘ Money Honey ’ , ‘ Shang A Lang ’ and , um , a lot of padding from the Rollers ' post ‘ 77 career after they 'd been shot down in flames , plucked , shucked , gutted , roasted , eaten , shat out and buggered in the back of the neck and then locked in the attic with Mad Auntie Maude from Nottingham for two weeks by the ultimate manufactured band , the Sex Pistols .
15 The juices run out and spread into the pan .
16 rising tyres and park and jump out and go into their rooms
17 But one diver always remains in the bell to act as bellman and , in an emergency , lock out and go to the divers ' aid .
18 Get out and speak for the organization today , and be honest .
19 It concerns a Ship from another world landing on this planet , and strange creatures get out and say to a petrol pump , dustbin , slot-machine or similar mechanical device , ‘ Take me to your leader . ’
20 Er , quite often on real projects people produce these plans and they get out and work to that and never had to pause to think , this is a good one , this is a bad one .
21 The Japanese , champions of new product development , spend far less than the British on hiring market researchers , relying instead on information obtained by their own managers who get out and talk to dealers and customers .
22 Lift out and place in the rinse sink ( Repeat the wash cycle for each item ) .
23 9.2 The Premises shall be demised subject to the matters set out or referred to in clause … of the draft lease annexed and the Tenant or the Tenant 's solicitors having been supplied with such information as the Landlord has concerning the same the Tenant has entered into this agreement with notice of and shall raise no objection requisition or inquiry in respect of such matters
24 ‘ After all , Gav , I can just stay up till your drinking pals have decided to head home , or Norris 's card school chums finally drag themselves away , or crash out and snore on the Richter scale , whatever ; the fun rarely extends beyond three or four o'clock in the morning … why , that would leave me a good four or five hours ’ sleep before an early lecture . ’
25 You begin at the centre or main idea ( rather than at the top ) and branch out as dictated by the individual ideas and general form of the central theme .
26 You 'd get a message from the R T O the er Railway Transport Office to say supply three hundred and sixty cups of tea at such and such a time and then of course the troops would the train would start , the troops pour out and pour into our place and there we were dashing around .
27 Roll out and cover in turn with half the fondant .
28 She saw the prince 's chamberlain lean out and speak to his waiting page .
29 ‘ Leave me for a bit , Billy , ’ she says with her back to me , so I go out and sit on my bed .
30 You 've got ta do your , you know , go out and sit in the county court and wait for something exciting to happen
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