Example sentences of "[vb base] as the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some theft cases can be prosecuted under section 15 , but it is fallacious , having regard to what I perceive as the true meaning of appropriation , to say that all cases of obtaining by deception can be prosecuted under section 1 .
2 In the next part , I describe Buid attitudes towards what they perceive as the intrinsic aggressiveness of their lowland Christian neighbours , before turning to the activity in which the symbolism of tranquillity and aggression receives its greatest elaboration : animal sacrifice .
3 Listening and writing predominate as the major pupil activities , there being little opportunity for pupils to contribute to , or take responsibility for , their own learning , to develop self-confidence , independence and similar personal qualities .
4 Potted shrimps alone remain as the sole representative of these products to retain something of its original nature , although a few smoked haddock pastes are beginning to appear on London restaurant menus .
5 If we fail to see any need to offer sound moral justifications for treating sentient creatures as mere ‘ commodities ’ , ‘ preparations ’ , ‘ models ’ , or research ‘ tools ’ , then we surely deny that very rationality which we cite as the single quality which elevates humans so far above the other animals .
6 LENNOX LEWIS last night lined up a world title fight with Norwich-based Herbie Hide as the cat-and-mouse game over the heavyweight championship took a new twist .
7 Multivariate analysis was by logistic regression with anti-HEV as the dependent variable , starting with age , gender , and location as baseline covariates and with additional covariates added stepwise .
8 Ovum positions ADW as the leading CASE solution in Europe , with 13% of the market .
9 Clinicians often see health services research as the soft option and easy to carry out .
10 Switzerland will remain outside the EC and will be the financial centre and act as the neutral protector of money ;
11 Such accords are all-important to Soviet officials in that they offer a clear indication of Latin American interest in trading with the USSR , act as the official sanction which enables the Soviet trade bureaucracy to move into action , and facilitate the organisation involved in the completion of transactions .
12 Some HMOs ‘ employ ’ GPs to act as gatekeepers , and currently in the NHS , GPs act as the initial gatekeeper to secondary care , with consultants and other hospital doctors acting as the final gatekeeper .
13 We had chosen the Nelson Lakes park as the perfect walker 's playground .
14 When one-time Blue Peter TV presenter Peter Duncan , who plays Chaplin so admirably , completed this transformation and turned round on his audience — complete as the little tramp — the applause was spontaneous .
15 Underwater Safari This month we look as the Great Diving Beetle .
16 Despite using expensive state-of-the-art machinery , the pitch staff have been defeated by what they describe as the wettest season in living memory .
17 They stand as the essential interface between strategy formulation and tactical decisions .
18 When comparing fractions some pupils may compare numerators only or select as the largest fraction the one which has the largest numerator and largest denominator .
19 The " sett " referred to as being held by Wilson might have been what we now know as the Tilberthwaite Mine ; which had been an attractive prospect from the days of the Elizabethan miners and continued to be investigated on and off right up to the 1930's .
20 There were delays in correspondence owing to the war , and Wordsworth decided to finish , as a tribute to his friend , the ‘ poem to Coleridge ’ which we now know as the 1805 Prelude .
21 This little band are know as the Medieval Heritage Society , a re-enactment group with a strange desire to give people a glimpse of life in the 1450's .
22 It was now possible to map what we now know as the motor cortex ( i.e. the part of the brain controlling muscle function ) in terms of the musculature each section controlled .
23 A panel of experts , appointed by the Council of Europe last November to advise the Community , found that some European states have yet to develop rules on recourse to DNA analysis in forensic work — a shortcoming they set as the first priority .
24 Oh god Oh no wonder you say there 's us like eating cockles I suppose as the French eating snails int it ?
25 Innovation , which we define as the successful exploitation of new ideas , is a major contributor to competitive success and thus to wealth creation .
26 Your Royal Highness , Ladies and Gentlemen my name 's Rod I normally masquerade as the Chief Racing Coach for the Royal Yachting Association but I 'm not here in that capacity this afternoon but the coordinator rather a grand title for the Year of Youth Sailing and I 've been asked to give you a short ten minutes or so briefing on where we 're up to with th this project this year erm I know there are many familiar faces around so I apologize to those of you that may know some of this information already .
27 In the limit the temporary reputation is permanent as C t either approaches zero , or becomes large , and all types successfully masquerade as the dominant strategy type .
28 But it is personal relationships that emerge as the primary focus of this biography .
29 They feel that if the Conservatives emerge as the largest minority party on April 9 and attempt to rule alone , the Liberal Democrats could make Labour ‘ sweat ’ by keeping the Tories going , even though this would mean effectively abandoning their clear commitment to electoral reform above all else .
30 If the reformists emerge as the largest group , they will sweep the board .
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