Example sentences of "[vb base] him [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The other gentleman to whom I referred , Mr. Williams , was deported some little while ago , it being cheaper to deport him than prosecute him for the gross fraud that he has perpetrated against the United Kingdom .
2 Temple could write with perfect confidence in his audience that though he would not ‘ strain the reader 's capacity by asking him to imagine a native Governor of a Colony or Protectorate ’ or even a native Colonial Secretary of Nigeria — a proposal which ‘ does not come within the bounds of practical politics ’ — he counted it an advantage of Indirect Rule that under it ‘ the native can and does fill not only positions of great responsibility but the highest positions , positions which place him on the social scale on an equality with the King 's representative himself ’ .
3 However Steve decided it would be unfair for the winners to go without some kind of reward , and so he intends to pop round to show you his collection of ‘ Bunty ’ comics — expect him within the next 28 days .
4 If you put your Orc Shaman on a wyvern and fly him to the other end of the battlefield he wo n't be able to use his Waaagh magic .
5 His friends hail him as the last great artist of the 20th century .
6 Saw him at a sale being knocked down to a known horsemeat dealer and stepped in and outbid him at the last moment .
7 We see a dancer at a rave , film him later that week , and project him at the next rave . ’
8 Put him in the wet treatment-room . ’
9 catch him at the right time .
10 A crowd of eager customers would be awaiting his arrival outside the shops and attack him for the particular colour , size or style of dress they had been waiting for .
11 So you drop him at the actual hospital ?
12 COMIC Rowan Atkinson is anything but funny in real life and is convinced people who meet him for the first time think he is a disappointment .
13 Though he attempted a detailed rebuttal , chapter by chapter , Milton himself had to admit that ‘ Some men have by policy accomplished after death that revenge upon their enemies which in life they were not able ’ , and that ‘ they who before hated him for his high government , nay fought against him with displayed banners in the field , now applaud him for the wisest and most religious prince that lived ’ .
14 Save him for the Old Bailey and whichever penal dustbin they locked dope peddlers in .
15 Give him to the Chief Statistician ? ’
16 I tell him about the old garage under the arches .
17 Share My Lettuce boasts an original if rather undernourished droll in Kenneth Williams ( remember him as the alarming brat in The Buccaneer ?
18 I remember him outside the front door , getting out of the taxi .
19 However , I refer him to the recent report on our manufacturing performance produced by the CBI entitled ’ Competing with the World 's Best ’ .
20 I refer him to the independent Centre for Economic Policy Research , where Professor Denis Snower recently published a document saying : ’ Implementing the social charter may be expected to hurt precisely those workers it seeks to help , in addition to raising unemployment and reducing investment ’ .
21 Set him on the right path with a good education .
22 Thank you friends , we all know him as the one million pound councillor .
23 Many know him as the British jazz singer , but he is equally respected for his brilliance as a film and tv critic , modern art expert , writer and fisherman .
24 In our first encounter with Satan we find him within the burning lake of Hell , having fallen from such a great height to such a great depth and now engulfed in fire , licked by flames , seemingly in pain , according to Milton 's narration , yet still able to speak with an uncanny strength and courage against ‘ the potent Victor ’ ( I. 95 ) .
25 ‘ I speak with Michael Odell inside ten minutes , or I raise him on the open line , ’ said Quinn carefully .
26 My fridge album is really going to test the list broker , push him to the very limit .
27 The shapely brunette , whose job was to help Davies kick his heroin and cocaine addiction and keep him on the straight and narrow , was turned on by their wild romps .
28 And then just up and shoot him in the good old British way .
29 Grant felt a hammer blow strike him on the right breast and a searing pain in his right bicep .
30 You have to get him wound down a bit , you have to do it , you know of a about half an hour or so ask him for the proper name !
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