Example sentences of "[vb base] him [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 All you need to know about Brian is that in the Sixties one of his friends send him a postcard of planet Earth with a message saying : ‘ Wish you were here . ’
2 I shall make sure that I send him a copy of my speech tomorrow , which will give detail after detail of what is actually taking place in the valleys .
3 highways and that sort of thing , and he does go to Farnsfield , and he does go to Oxford and back , and really all you need do is just send him , you need n't send him the minutes here , you just send him the notice of the meeting
4 It was more a family , really , than a deputation , excluding the Bishop , of course : Aethelric of Durham , whom the monks had wanted to disown after that business eight years ago , until he had had to go to Siward and slip him a bit of St Cuthbert 's best to get him reinstated .
5 Our table felt it was worth £20 of tickets for a woman to put her hand up and show him the error of his ways , but we 'd already forked out enough , honest .
6 Show him the location of the toilets , dayroom etc .
7 ‘ Now then , our Emily , get your skates on and show him the lie of the land .
8 ‘ That will get stolen , ’ the minister of health exclaims when I show him the picture of the pressure cooker that is meant to be used as a steriliser in the dispensaries .
9 Only cost him a couple of quid . ’
10 Nick 's is very eh , expensive in Holland it 's cost him a lot of money .
11 A series of injuries slowed his progress but ultimately , it was attitude that cost him the chance of blossoming into a great player .
12 The attack was motivated by Motoshima 's observation that the late Emperor Showa ( in life known as Hirohito ) bore some responsibility for the Pacific war , a comment which also cost him the support of the LDP [ see p. 37186 ] .
13 Advent signals values : that God loved us so much that he was willing to enter upon an adventure that cost him the death of his Son .
14 Oh save him a bit of it .
15 At this rate she might as well give him a blow-by-blow description of the last time they had shared the bench , and save him the trouble of remembering .
16 Deep down Jack Butler was a simple man — give him a couple of Jaguars , a regular income pushing the half mill , a half-dozen talented sack-artists , preferably blond , and he 'd be happy .
17 Give him a couple of nudges with your leg to say ‘ listen to me ’ ! ’ she advised .
18 We got the dog and give him a couple of rope ends in his mouth and he take them across the ice .
19 having seen Frank playing in our Norwegian ‘ premiership ’ — i can only say : this guy has talent and give him a couple of more years on his neck he will become a real threat to any defence .
20 Put him on the telly , give him a bit of limelight and away goes our Colin !
21 Give him a bit of tone , as it were .
22 ‘ Just give him a bit of time .
23 Give him a bit of a walk .
24 That 'll be in there and give him a bit of encouragement .
25 See she , she came around cos erm I 've been up to her , her friends place to and give him a bit of a telling off like and that and erm she came to John 's house and I said , why are calling ?
26 in village , not far up us and er I were getting round me mum and pulling on her skirts and and this old woman says , get him fed Frances , he wants a bit of pap , get him , get him picked up and give him a bit of pap and that 'll shut him up
27 If this does not work , give him a teaspoon of mustard dissolved in a tumbler of warm water .
28 office place and give him a bag of plaster and tell him to plaster there for a day either that or send him up
29 Give him a mug of cocoa and a big kiss and send him on a month 's leave .
30 And Coleby was as hampered now as he had been in Emor by his lack of imagination : get him away from a straightforward discussion of bricks , mortar and money , and the man was lost ; give him a load of crap about the artistic temperament , and his sense of smell deserted him .
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