Example sentences of "[vb base] him the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 highways and that sort of thing , and he does go to Farnsfield , and he does go to Oxford and back , and really all you need do is just send him , you need n't send him the minutes here , you just send him the notice of the meeting
2 Our table felt it was worth £20 of tickets for a woman to put her hand up and show him the error of his ways , but we 'd already forked out enough , honest .
3 Show him the location of the toilets , dayroom etc .
4 ‘ Now then , our Emily , get your skates on and show him the lie of the land .
5 ‘ That will get stolen , ’ the minister of health exclaims when I show him the picture of the pressure cooker that is meant to be used as a steriliser in the dispensaries .
6 A series of injuries slowed his progress but ultimately , it was attitude that cost him the chance of blossoming into a great player .
7 The attack was motivated by Motoshima 's observation that the late Emperor Showa ( in life known as Hirohito ) bore some responsibility for the Pacific war , a comment which also cost him the support of the LDP [ see p. 37186 ] .
8 Advent signals values : that God loved us so much that he was willing to enter upon an adventure that cost him the death of his Son .
9 At this rate she might as well give him a blow-by-blow description of the last time they had shared the bench , and save him the trouble of remembering .
10 A Goblin Big Boss has the advantage of being cheap and he will do almost as good a job , especially if you give him the Crown of Command to raise his leadership to 10 .
11 First , though , give him the benefit of a voluntary defence , possibly against Alex Stewart , and then let him get on with making us all feel good about finally having another British world heavyweight champion .
12 Try and give him the benefit of the doubt .
13 Give him the benefit of the doubt will you ?
14 After a large crusade the Jeffreys would appoint a leader and give him the task of planting a new church with the fruits of the crusade .
15 First we 'll tell Matt of our engagement , then give him the pleasure of telling the rest of the staff . ’
16 All you need is enough 10–20mm diameter pea gravel to form a layer about 2in ( 50mm ) thick over the path or drive area ; your supplier will advise you on how much to order if you tell him the size of the area .
17 In order to create this relationship of mutual esteem between yourself and your examiner , pay him the compliment of searching for the point of his problem .
18 Certain value added tax cases would tend to indicate that the amount of benefit obtained by a taxpayer if the trustees allow him the use of a Ming Vase would equate to the sort of rent which they could have received if they had let the vase with appropriate adjustments being made for insurance , agreeing to house the vase , etc .
19 Accord him the honour of being on the front of the 40th birthday issue .
20 So I 'd ask you Madam to go along with what I 'm suggesting and make him the subject of an absolute discharge so that he does n't have any previous court er any , any convictions or anything like that on his record .
21 Apart from his own native predecessors ( principally Condorcet and Comte ) , and the post-Kantian German philosopher , J. G. Fichte , there are many parallels ( as well as differences ) in the ideas of the English schoolmaster , inventor , philosopher and Fabian , Herbert Spencer ( 1820–1903 ) , whose exceptionally voluminous writings make him the father of British sociology .
22 Offer him the choice of any face and he wants to be Paul Newman , not Broderick Crawford : ‘ Would n't everybody choose someone better looking ? ’
23 I do him the credit of suggesting that it was not of his invention .
24 Bloody cheek , do him the world of good to go without for a day or two .
25 " The Trustees of the Stockport Grammar and Free School , having taken into consideration an application by the Rev. C. G. Hamilton , MA , for a Testimonial as a Candidate for the Headmastership of the Birmingham and Edgbaston Proprietary School , feel that while they should be sorry to part with services so valuable to their own school , they can not , in justice to him , refuse him the opportunity of improving his position , and they cordially wish him that success to which , both from ability and experience , he is so eminently entitled . "
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