Example sentences of "[vb base] from the [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon .
2 Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and keep warm .
3 Enter the palace , walk from the antechamber with its remains of a Romanesque tower , then turn left to the Green Chamber bedecked with the emblems of the associate judges of the courts .
4 We walk from the elevator with Ali in the lead .
5 This again enabled the bourgeois classes to exert their strength and so benefit from the disillusionment with the costs of revolution ( Krygier 1979c ) .
6 True , Shearer got little change from the skirmish with Neil Ruddock , his pal from Southampton days .
7 If you emerge from the top with the backs of your hands ( and your shins ) intact , award yourself the Gritstone Jammers ' Proficiency Badge : Bronze Award .
8 She counted to ten , then opened her eyes again — to see the curlew suddenly emerge from the water with a fat , squirming fish held firmly in his beak .
9 Soon two more dhāmis emerge from the shrine with their bells , and their heads bare and shaved bald except for their waist-length black tufts , braided at points with silver bands — gifts to the gods from their devotees .
10 Horses whickered restlessly , held by a small urchin who watched Isabel emerge from the alehouse with round , inquisitive eyes .
11 With bad blood carried over from last year 's clash between the two sides which saw Eric Rush retire from the fray with a broken wrist , the portents were not good .
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