Example sentences of "[vb base] from [art] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Developments of this type are essential if Stirling is to retain parity with competitor institutions and benefit from the opportunities which the new technologies create .
2 Then as you start to make the point you 'll find your hands will come up naturally and bend from the elbows it sounds crazy to say but if if you suddenly go coo I 've got everything in me pocket but
3 In order to keep the boys separate from the girls he used to draw a chalk line down the middle of our meeting room , and when we got carried away and crossed the line he would burst into a ferocious rage , pick up anything that was to hand — usually a book — and throw it at the offender , who had to duck fast in order not to be hit .
4 I 'm working with ideas , still writing songs , so I have my personal input from that , plus I 'm always interested in the input and suggestions I get from the letters I receive from all over the world .
5 While this view of a readership is often deeply at odds with the actual circumstances of essay-writing in literature courses , it remains a conventional feature of academic style ; and your writing will produce very marked effects if you deviate from the conventions it has produced .
6 They tend to privilege their own language , to make claims for it which derive from the requirements which brought it into being in the first place .
7 At the same time we are faced with the dilemma that these theories appear to be mutually exclusive : does this mean that the peace movement should take a cynical ‘ supermarket ’ attitude to attempts to theorise law and take from the shelves whatever theoretical package is best suited to the purpose ?
8 When the leaves fall from the trees you 'll jest be able to make it out .
9 As we shall see , authors vary the handling of reported speech in many ways which depart from the forms which speakers commonly use and children commonly hear .
10 ( 3 ) There is a modern attempt to defend what is called objectivism in ethics which turns on viewing both facts and values as essentially social constructs which are what they are because they are either what society drills us into accepting or what exceptional individuals can persuade us follow from the procedures we have been drilled into accepting as correct .
11 The best undergraduate studies usually come from the students who can see the possible application of a theory or concept to a specific empirical example .
12 Based on our research , we concur with the earlier observation that ‘ paraprofessionals who come from the communities which they serve have been found to be more effective in working with the people as they have close ties and may have insights and information not readily available to the outsider ’ ( IASSW , 1979 , p. 8 ) .
13 … The principle which I deduce from the authorities I have cited and the other relevant authorities which I have considered , is that if the cause or matter is one which , if carried to its conclusion , might result in the conviction of the person charged and in a sentence of some punishment , such as imprisonment or fine , it is a ‘ criminal cause or matter . ’
14 Escape from the Germans I mean .
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