Example sentences of "[vb base] by the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Interesting place you 've got here , Mr Blufton , ’ commented the sergeant politely , awestruck by the amount of dosh the man had to afford such a place .
2 The statement cited the Dec. 2 massacre by the Army of 16 peasants , and the wounding of 24 others , in the town of Santiago Atitlán 70 km west of the capital Guatemala City , as " an illustration of escalating violence that continues to mark out this country " .
3 The Deterrers were gradually drawn into the relentless escalation of the weapons race by the logic of their beliefs .
4 Yet others , living in the rain forests inland , rake up fallen vegetation into mounds fifteen feet high which keep their eggs warm by the heat of decay .
5 The lowest line shows what happens if you deflate by the rise in NHS salaries and prices .
6 It is well known that trees grow by the addition of rings , usually ( though not always ) annually .
7 The basis of dendrochronology lies in the fact that , in temperature climates where there is a contrast between the seasons , trees grow by the addition of an annual ring .
8 Heath has proposed an alternative ‘ fullerene-road ’ scheme in which fullerenes are formed in the size range of 30–40 carbon atoms and grow by the addition of small carbon radicals .
9 They say by the end of the year NeXT and Microsoft will probably be the only companies not part of COSE .
10 IN THESE PAGES I want to discuss the possibility that the goal of theoretical physics might be achieved in the not-too-distant future : say by the end of the century .
11 Such cats can become a real problem if their rigid daily routine is upset — say by the death of an elderly owner .
12 He went on to say : ‘ Student numbers in Scotland have increased by a remarkable 25 per cent since 1983 to nearly 110,000 and we fully expect by the end of the century that more than 40 per cent of young Scots will enter higher education .
13 Overcome by the romance of the setting , she did what she had always promised herself she would not , until Nicky had done so first .
14 Consultancy agreements tying Wilson and Carby to Allied Dunbar expire by the end of this month .
15 He claimed rectification of the proprietorship register , by the removal of the Hammonds ' names and the insertion of his own name , and of the charges register by the deletion of the entries relating to the building society 's charge and those of the other chargees .
16 Walking back across the fields , he suggested that they stop by the lake on the way .
17 It , too , displaced a society whose individuals were healthier but less numerous — the archaeological and anthropological evidence suggests that hunters lead longer , healthier and happier lives than farmers , at least than the sort of farmers who live or die by the sweat of their brows .
18 The APB intends to publish all exposure drafts from this revisions project by the end of October 1993 .
19 But in Bangladesh boys are already producing more than they consume by the age of 10 and have repaid their parents ’ investment in their upbringing by the time they are 15 .
20 NOVELISTS WHO HIDE themselves away for months or years usually emerge from their seclusion nervously clutching a manuscript , hand it over to their publishers , and wait by the phone for some kind of reaction .
21 Wait by the edge of the flames and the bird should pick you up .
22 Sit at the bar or relax by the pool on the stunning roof-top terrace of the Villa Franca and below the village of Positano stretches downwards to the shoreline — the most marvellous sight .
23 There was nothing to suggest that that power to sue should be limited so as to exclude the proceedings before the court , save by the nature of the trade union itself , and that did not exclude a claim in respect of a libel ‘ calculated to arouse doubts and suspicions in the minds of members [ of the union itself ] , and so to destroy the cohesion and will to act of the union : ’ per Scott L.J .
24 Construction of the Sighthill Bypass commenced in September 1984 and with work substantially complete by the end of 1986 it is being opened to traffic some nine months ahead of programme .
25 Construction of the Gilmerton Bypass commenced in February 1988 and with work substantially complete by the end of 1989 it is being opened to traffic some eight months ahead of programme and within the target date of 1990 for the entire Bypass .
26 My aim is to get my Private Pilots Licence by the end of the year , but we shall see .
27 If you were aged 40 or more in 1978 , multiply by the number of years before you will be 60 , the state retirement age .
28 Count the number of strips you 'll need , and then multiply by the length of the cushion , adding a 1.5cm seam allowance top and bottom and on each side of the cushion .
29 Do that , do that on sixty five divide by one hundred and eighty , multiply by the pi on your calculator , just one second Robin , yeah , it 's usually , it 's just theatrical , you should get , yeah , so you get the same answer , so you can either work it on ratings or you can write it like that , you could 've actually left it like that , if you come to the third by , you put thirteen over what is it ? eh
30 Adjudication is not necessary : It is certified that this instrument falls within category H in the Schedule to The Stamp Duty ( Exempt Instruments ) Regulations 1987. ( ii ) Conveyance or transfer by the husband to the wife , by agreement ( ie not pursuant to court order ) — no monetary consideration Provided this meets the requirements of the Finance Act 1985 , s83(1) ( c ) ( see above ) and provided the certificate in ( i ) above is contained in the instrument , no stamp duty is payable .
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