Example sentences of "[vb base] at the end [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Does Birmingham want a centre where people live and work , or a shopping complex that draws in people who live and sleep at the end of the bus routes ?
2 A more detailed list of Japanese expressions appear at the end of this book ( p. 109 ) .
3 Detailed summaries of this study 's findings appear at the end of each chapter .
4 or you could use one or more of the questions that appear at the end of each section of the main text of this booklet .
5 They must consider all new books as well as the old ones , and must therefore hold back enough funds to cover those books which appear at the end of the financial year .
6 These appear at the end of the body of the report and before the appendices and other addenda .
7 That this was an error was explained to the House by Lord Eversley , who then stated that ‘ the case was provided for by words which appear at the end of the clause ’ .
8 For some writers concerned with English language teaching , the notion of rhythm is a more practical matter of making a sufficiently clear difference between strong and weak syllables , rather than concentrating on a rigid timing pattern , as I suggest at the end of 14.1 .
9 Support for this hypothesis comes from an analysis of male peeking rates during the change in plumage which many ducks undergo at the end of the breeding season .
10 Er and as would have been noted in the in our report to this general assembly on page four hundred and nine , we say at the end of er the paragraph in the middle of the the page in which we are referring to ACTS and its commissions , in this connection it should be noted that the church 's approach to the Roman Catholic bishops conference of Scotland on the question of intercommunion is under discussion in that conference and in the ACTS commission on unity faith and order .
11 So once you get towards , take a clock in , make sure you pace yourself , and say at the end of that just put in a sort of sentence to make it look as if it 's been finished off Erm , what I usually do when I do an exam is I spend the first five minutes actually looking at the questions because initially you look for the ones that you 've revised and you see but there may be others there , there 're you can do in a slightly different way than the way that they first appear and that might help you quite a bit , although there are no trick questions in this .
12 Recognition of this new client awareness came fairly late and it served to liven the ‘ flats versus houses ’ debate at the end of the 1930s and into the 1940s .
13 Will the period be extended , or will the trade union be almost forced to concede what the employers want at the end of 16 months ?
14 What result you want at the end of the day ?
15 but whether we want at the end of it to have another water seminar , looking instead of extraction side but what the water companies are doing with our rivers it might not be a bad idea as part of er producing a considered view later on in the year but I do n't , I do n't think we can hurry this as there 's a lot of lessons to be learnt and I I do n't think we should do the work in the Fire and Public Protection Committee erm in getting our erm eyes taken off the dealing with the actual problem at the moment , we want to look , step , step back and say well what what was the cause of all that , but I do support erm proposal that we should have it listed as er
16 ‘ We have a link with some 250 farmers and we are working with them to produce what our customers — the consumers — want at the end of the day .
17 Gide at the end of his life remarked that Wilde only began to live after dark as it were , away from most of those who knew him ( So Be It , 27 ) .
18 Some birds manage to nest a second time within the season , and it is these birds , again with recent experience , which breed at the end of the season .
19 One can not compare exactly the customs accounts from the two ports , because those for London ending in 1460 conclude at the end of July instead of the normal date of Michaelmas , so the second period employed in the comparison is that of the eleven years 1450–61 .
20 lt would , for example , sound distinctly odd to have a tone-unit boundary between an article and a following noun , or between auxiliary and main verbs if they are adjacent ( though we may on occasions hesitate or pause in such places within a tone-unit ; some people who do a lot of arguing , notably politicians and philosophers , develop the skill of pausing for breath in such intonationally unlikely places because they are less likely to be interrupted than if they pause at the end of a sentence ) .
21 He hopes to be fit to defend his Masters title at the end of next month and has begun light training .
22 But I I hope at the end of all this , there will still be how much training you 've had , that when the post is eventually advertised it will still be
23 A savings plan is also an annuity but in this case the cash that you pay in builds up to a sum that you receive at the end of the plan 's term .
24 Not that one would get that impression from the announcement made by WTA after the formal statement by the WIPTC that the constitution of the Council would remain unchanged , at least until current contracts expire at the end of 1994 .
25 They are the only members of the first-team squad whose contracts expire at the end of the season .
26 ‘ A decision was needed today to avoid a legal vacuum when quotas expire at the end of the month , ’ an EC spokesman said .
27 The Parisians would scarcely spare a second thought for an Englishman and be only too pleased to see me twitch and shake at the end of a rope .
28 Because the spores are viable for a short time , Laboulbeniales are effectively restricted to arthropod hosts that have overlapping generations , especially in temperate regions ; that is they can not easily establish relations with those insects in which all the adults die at the end of the summer , with the species surviving in the form of larvae or pupae .
29 Half the population die at the end of the third period , leaving no wealth ; the other half die at the end of the second period , leaving an ‘ unplanned ’ bequest .
30 Half the population die at the end of the third period , leaving no wealth ; the other half die at the end of the second period , leaving an ‘ unplanned ’ bequest .
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